
X Search: author X Term: BTUS Lighting and Electronics


Sanchez, Marla C, Jonathan G Koomey, Mithra M Moezzi, Alan K Meier, and Wolfgang Huber."Miscellaneous Electricity Use in U.S. Homes."ACEEE 1998 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (1998) 11.
Clear, Robert D, and Francis M Rubinstein."A Cost-Benefit Analysis Applied to Lumen Maintenance Controls."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society 28 (1998) 113-126.
Webber, Carrie A, and Richard E Brown."Savings Potential of ENERGY STAR Voluntary Labeling Programs."1998 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 9 (1998) 9.271-9.282.


Page, Erik, and Michael J Siminovitch."Photometric Assessment of Energy Efficient Torchieres."4th European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting (1997).
Page, Erik."Integral CFLs Performance in Table Lamps."IESNA 1997 Annual Conference (1997).