
X Search: title X Term: BTUS Lighting and Electronics



Rubinstein, Francis M, Pete Pettler, and Judy D Jennings."Dimming Every Light Cheaply."2002 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 11 (2002).
Johnson, Stephen G, and Jerry A Simmons."Materials for Solid State Lighting."2002 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting (2002).


Keith, David M, and Francis M Rubinstein."Effect of Occupancy Sensors on Energy Usage and Peak Demand in Commercial Office Buildings: Part 1."2001 Conference of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES) (2001).
Jennings, Judy D, Nesrin Colak, and Francis M Rubinstein."Occupancy and Time-Based Lighting Controls in Open Offices."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society 31 (2001) 86-100.