Publications By Research Area
X Author: A.T.D Perera
Perera, A.T.D, Kavan Javanroodi, Dasaraden Mauree, Vahid M Nik, Pietro Florio, Tianzhen Hong, and Deliang Chen."Challenges resulting from urban density and climate change for the EU energy transition."Nature Energy
8.4 (2023) 397 - 412. DOI
Perera, A.T.D, Kenichi Soga, Yujie Xu, Peter Nico, and Tianzhen Hong."Enhancing flexibility for climate change using seasonal energy storage (aquifer thermal energy storage) in distributed energy systems."Applied Energy
340 (2023) 120957. DOI
Perera, A.T.D, Kenichi Soga, Yujie Xu, Peter Nico, and Tianzhen Hong."Enhancing flexibility for climate change using seasonal energy storage (aquifer thermal energy storage) in distributed energy systems."Applied Energy
340 (2023) 120957. DOI
Perera, A.T.D, Bingyu Zhao, Zhe Wang, Kenichi Soga, and Tianzhen Hong."Optimal design of microgrids to improve wildfire resilience for vulnerable communities at the wildland-urban interface."Applied Energy
335 (2023) 120744. DOI
Perera, A.T.D, and Tianzhen Hong."Vulnerability and resilience of urban energy ecosystems to extreme climate events: A systematic review and perspectives."Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
173 (2023) 113038. DOI
Perera, A.T.D, Kavan Javanroodi, Y Wang, and Tianzhen Hong."Urban cells: Extending the energy hub concept to facilitate sector and spatial coupling."Advances in Applied Energy
3 (2021) 100046. DOI