Publications By Research Area
Coraci, Davide, Silvio Brandi, Tianzhen Hong, and Alfonso Capozzoli."An innovative heterogeneous transfer learning framework to enhance the scalability of deep reinforcement learning controllers in buildings with integrated energy systemsAbstract."Building Simulation
17.5 (2024) 739 - 770. DOI
Li, Han, Giuseppe Pinto, Marco Savino Piscitelli, Alfonso Capozzoli, and Tianzhen Hong."Building thermal dynamics modeling with deep transfer learning using a large residential smart thermostat dataset."Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
130 (2024) 107701. DOI
Nagy, Zoltan, Gregor P Henze, Sourav Dey, Javier Arroyo, Lieve Helsen, Xiangyu Zhang, Bingqing Chen, Kadir Amasyali, Kuldeep Kurte, Ahmed Zamzam, Helia Zandi, Ján Drgoňa, Matias Quintana, Steven McCullogh, June Young Park, Han Li, Tianzhen Hong, Silvio Brandi, Giuseppe Pinto, Alfonso Capozzoli, Draguna Vrabie, Mario Bergés, Kingsley Nweye, Thibault Marzullo, and Andrey Bernstein."Ten questions concerning reinforcement learning for building energy management."Building and Environment
(2023) 110435. DOI
Coraci, Davide, Silvio Brandi, Tianzhen Hong, and Alfonso Capozzoli."Online transfer learning strategy for enhancing the scalability and deployment of deep reinforcement learning control in smart buildings."Applied Energy
333 (2023) 120598. DOI
Pinto, Giuseppe, Riccardo Messina, Han Li, Tianzhen Hong, Marco Savino Piscitelli, and Alfonso Capozzoli."Sharing is caring: An extensive analysis of parameter-based transfer learning for the prediction of building thermal dynamics."Energy and Buildings
276 (2022) 112530. DOI
Pinto, Giuseppe, Zhe Wang, Abhishek Roy, Tianzhen Hong, and Alfonso Capozzoli."Transfer learning for smart buildings: A critical review of algorithms, applications, and future perspectives."Advances in Applied Energy
5 (2022) 100084. DOI