Publications By Research Area
X Author: Charles K Ehrlich
Ehrlich, Charles K, Konstantinos M Papamichael, Judy Lai, and Kenneth L Revzan."Simulating the Operation of Photosensor-Based Lighting Controls."2001 Building Simulation 7th International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference
Ehrlich, Charles K, Konstantinos M Papamichael, Judy Lai, and Kenneth L Revzan."A Method for Simulating the Performance of Photosensor-Based Lighting Controls."Energy and Buildings
34 (2001) 883-889.
Papamichael, Konstantinos M, Robert J Hitchcock, Charles K Ehrlich, and William L Carroll."New Tools for the Evaluation of Daylighting Strategies and Technologies."International Daylighting Conference '98
Ehrlich, Charles K."Simulating the Visual Performance of Electrochromic Glazing for Solar Control."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
27 (1997).
Papamichael, Konstantinos M, Charles K Ehrlich, and Gregory J Ward."Design and Evaluation of Daylighting Applications of Holographic Glazings."
Ward, Gregory J, Anat Grynberg, Charles K Ehrlich, and Francis M Rubinstein."Using CAD for Lighting Design Helps Predict the Unpredictable."Electrical Systems Design
70 (1990) 26-31.