Publications By Research Area
X Author: Christopher Weyandt
Lin, Guanjing, Marco Pritoni, Yimin Chen, Raphael Vitti, Christopher Weyandt, and Jessica Granderson."Implementation and test of an automated control hunting fault correction algorithm."Energy & Buildings
Vol.283 No..112796 (2023). DOI
Luo, Na, Zhe Wang, David Blum, Christopher Weyandt, Norman Bourassa, Mary Ann Piette, and Tianzhen Hong."A three-year dataset supporting research on building energy management and occupancy analytics."Nature Scientific Data
(2022). DOI
Pritoni, Marco, Guanjing Lin, Yimin Chen, Raphael Vitti, Christopher Weyandt, and Jessica Granderson."From fault-detection to automated fault correction: a field study."Building and Environment
214 (2022).
Lin, Guanjing, Marco Pritoni, Yimin Chen, Christopher Weyandt, Raphael Vitti, and Jessica Granderson."Fault “Auto-correction” for HVAC Systems: A Preliminary Study."The 6th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue