Publications By Research Area
X Author: David T Grimsrud
Sundell, Jan, Hal Levin, William W Nazaroff, William S Cain, William J Fisk, David T Grimsrud, Finn Gyntelberg, Yuguo Li, Andrew K Persily, Anthony C Pickering, Jonathan M Samet, John D Spengler, Steven T Taylor, and Charles J Weschler."Ventilation rates and health: multidisciplinary review of the scientific literature."Indoor Air
7 (2011) 1600-0668.
Seppänen, Olli, William J Fisk, Joseph H Eto, and David T Grimsrud."Comparison of Conventional Mixing and Displacement Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems in U.S. Commerical Buildings."ASHRAE Summer Meeting
Feustel, Helmut E, C.H Zuercher, Richard C Diamond, J. J Bruce Dickinson, David T Grimsrud, and Ronnie D Lipschutz."Temperature- and wind-induced air flow patterns in a staircase. Computer modelling and experimental verification."Energy and Buildings
8.2 (1985) 105-122. DOI
Diamond, Richard C, and David T Grimsrud."R.C. Diamond and D.T. Grimsrud, Manual on Indoor Air Quality,."
(1984) 114.
Diamond, Richard C, and David T Grimsrud."Manual on Indoor Air Quality."University Press of the Pacific [A reprint of the publication done for the Electric Power Research Institute, EPRI EM-3469, Palo Alto, California, February, 1984. 114 pp.]
Grimsrud, David T, Max H Sherman, and Robert C Sonderegger."Calculating Infiltration: Implications for a Construction Quality Standard."
Sherman, Max H, Darryl J Dickerhoff, and David T Grimsrud."Field Testing of Wind Cooling Effects on Navy Buildings."
Sherman, Max H, and David T Grimsrud."Wind and Infiltration Interaction for Small Buildings."Proceedings ASCE Annual Meeting
Sherman, Max H, and David T Grimsrud."A Comparison of Alternate Ventilation Strategies."Proceedings Third AIC Conference
Grimsrud, David T, Max H Sherman, and Robert C Sonderegger."Prediction and Measurement of Infiltration in Residential Buildings: in Application to a Construction Quality Standard."Proceedings Third Joint Symposium on the Performance Concept in Buildings
Modera, Mark P, Max H Sherman, and David T Grimsrud."A Predictive Air Infiltration Model—Long-Term Field Test Validation."ASHRAE Transactions
88.1 (1982).
Sherman, Max H, Mark P Modera, and David T Grimsrud."A Predictive Air Infiltration Model—Field Validation and Sensitivity Analysis."Proceedings Third International Symposium on Energy Conservation in the Built Environment
Diamond, Richard C, and David T Grimsrud."Guidelines for Infiltration Reduction in Light Frame Buildings."
Modera, Mark P, Max H Sherman, and David T Grimsrud."Long-Term Infiltration Measurements in a Full-Scale Test Structure."Proceedings 2nd Air Infiltration Centre Conference
Modera, Mark P, Max H Sherman, and David T Grimsrud."Wind and Infiltration--A Description of a Predictive Model."Proceedings ASCE International Convention
(1981) 81-116.
Grimsrud, David T, Robert C Sonderegger, and Max H Sherman."Infiltration Measurements in Audit and Retrofit Programs."Proceedings IEA Energy Audit Workshop
Sherman, Max H, David T Grimsrud, Paul E Condon, and Brian V Smith."Air Infiltration Measurement Techniques."Proceedings First Air Infiltration Centre Conference
Sherman, Max H, and David T Grimsrud."Infiltration-Pressurization Correlation: Simplified Physical Modeling."ASHRAE Transactions
86.2 (1980) 778-807.
Sherman, Max H, and David T Grimsrud."The Measurement of Infiltration using Fan Pressurization and Weather Data."Proceedings First Air Infiltration Centre Conference
Condon, Paul E, David T Grimsrud, Max H Sherman, and Ron C Kammerud."An Automated Controlled Flow Air Infiltration Measurement System."Building Air Change Rate and Infiltration Measurements, (Hunt/King/Trechsel Eds.)
STP:719 (1980) 60-72.
Grimsrud, David T, Max H Sherman, John E Janssen, A. A Noel Pearman, and David T Harrje."An Intercomparison of Tracer Gases Used for Air Infiltration Measurements."ASHRAE Transactions
86.1 (1980) 258-267.
Grimsrud, David T, Max H Sherman, Richard C Diamond, and Robert C Sonderegger."Air Leakage, Surface Pressures and Infiltration Rates in Houses."Second International CIB, Symposium on Energy Conservation in the Built Environment
Sherman, Max H, David T Grimsrud, and Richard C Diamond."Infiltration-Pressurization Correlations: Surface Pressures and Terrain Effects."ASHRAE Trans
(1979) pp. 458-479;.
Blomsterberg, A.K, Max H Sherman, and David T Grimsrud."A Model Correlating Air Tightness and Air Infiltration in Houses."Proceedings ASHRAE-DOE Conference on Thermal Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Buildings
SP 28 (1979).
Sherman, Max H, David T Grimsrud, and Robert C Sonderegger."The Low Pressure Leakage Function of a Building."Proceedings ASHRAE-DOE Conference on Thermal Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Buildings
SP 28, (1979).