Publications By Research Area
Mills, Evan, and Richard B Jones."An Insurance Perspective on U.S. Electric Grid Disruption Costs."The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice
41.4 (2016) 555 - 586. DOI
Alschuler, Elena, Cindy Zhu, Evan Mills, Andrew White, and Theddi Wright Chappell."Appraising Green: Show me the Market Value."2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 21-26, 2016
Mills, Evan."A New Appraisal- Lessons from the History of Efforts to Value Green and High-Performance Home Attributes in the United States."
Mills, Evan."Looking For Value in All The Wrong Places: Toward Expanded Consideration of Green and High Performance Attributes in Non-residential Property Appraisals in the United States."
Craine, Stewart, Evan Mills, and Justin Guay."Clean Energy Services for All: Financing Universal Electrification."
Eto, Joseph H, Jonathan G Koomey, Bryan Lehman, Nathan C Martin, Evan Mills, Carrie A Webber, and Ernst Worrell."Scoping Study on Trends in the Economic Value of Electricity Reliability to the U.S. Economy."
(2001) 148.
Olken, Frank, Evan Mills, Mary Ann Piette, Dale A Sartor, Stephen E Selkowitz, and Max H Sherman."The Role of Building Life-Cycle Information Systems in the Delivery of Energy Services."Proceedings. NIST/EPRI: ATP: Information and Telecommunications for the U.S. Utilities Industry Focused Program Development
(1995) 01/1995.