Publications By Research Area
X Author: Hannah Stratton
Chen, Yuting, Heidi Fuchs, Jonah Schein, Victor H Franco, Hannah Stratton, Thomas A Burke, and Camilla Dunham."Water heating energy use reductions from EPA WaterSense lavatory plumbing fittings."Resources, Conservation and Recycling,
Volume 174, 2021, 105781, ISSN 0921-3449. (2021). DOI
Iyer, Maithili, Satish Kumar, Sangeeta Mathew, Hannah Stratton, Paul A Mathew, and Mohini Singh."Establishing a commercial building energy data framework for India: Approaches, use cases, and institutions."INSPIRE 2017
Iyer, Maithili, Satish Kumar, Sangeeta Mathew, Hannah Stratton, Paul A Mathew, and Mohini Singh."Establishing a Commercial Buildings Energy Data Framework for India: A Comprehensive Look at Data Collection Approaches, Use Cases and Institutions."