Publications By Research Area
X Author: Iain S Walker
Walker, Iain S, Jennifer A McWilliams, and Steven J Konopacki."Case Study Field Evaluation of a Systems Approach to Retrofitting a Residential HVAC System."
Walker, Iain S, and Craig P Wray."Evaluation of Flow Capture Techniques for Measuring HVAC Grille Airflows."ASHRAE Transactions
109 (2003).
Walker, Iain S, and Cyril Guillot."Experimental Evaluation of Gas Filled Plenum Duct Insulation."
Walker, Iain S, Michael D Mingee, and Douglas E Brenner."Improving Air Handler Efficiency in Residential HVAC Applications."
Siegel, Jeffrey A, and Iain S Walker."Integrating ducts into the conditioned space: Successes and challenges."Architectural Engineering Institute Conference, Austin, TX
Wray, Craig P, Iain S Walker, Jeffrey A Siegel, and Max H Sherman."Practical Diagnostics for Evaluating Residential Commissioning Metrics."Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report to the California Energy Commission
Walker, Iain S, and Max H Sherman."Sealant Longevity for Residential Ducts."Durability of Building and Construction Sealants and Adhesives
ASTM STP 1453 (2003).
Walker, Iain S, and Max H Sherman."An Easier Way to Measure Duct Leaks."Home Energy Magazine
19.5 September/October (2002).
Wray, Craig P, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Accuracy of flow hoods in residential applications."Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 18-23, 2002
1 (2002) 339-350.
Siegel, Jeffrey A, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Dirty air conditioners: Energy implications of coil fouling."Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 18-12, 2002
Walker, Iain S, Darryl J Dickerhoff, and Max H Sherman."The Delta Q method of testing the air leakage of ducts."Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 18-23, 2002
1 (2002) 327-338.
Abushakra, Bass, Iain S Walker, Darryl J Dickerhoff, and Max H Sherman."Laboratory Study of Pressure Losses in Residential Air Distribution Systems."
Sherman, Max H, and Iain S Walker."Residential HVAC and Distribution Research Implementation: Final Report."
Abushakra, Bass, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."A study of pressure losses in residential air distribution systems."Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA
1 (2002) 1-14.
Siegel, Jeffrey A, Jennifer A McWilliams, and Iain S Walker."Comparison between predicted duct effectiveness from proposed ASHRAE standard 152P and measured field data for residential forced air cooling systems."ASHRAE Transactions
109 (2002).
Matson, Nance, Craig P Wray, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Potential Benefits of Commissioning California Homes."
Siegel, Jeffrey A, and Iain S Walker."Deposition of Biological Aerosols on HVAC Heat Exchangers."
Walker, Iain S."Sensitivity of forced air distribution system efficiency to climate, duct location, air leakage and insulation."
Piette, Mary Ann, Joseph H Eto, Iain S Walker, Stephen E Selkowitz, Craig P Wray, Bruce Nordman, Alan K Meier, Philip Haves, Richard C Diamond, Jeffrey P Harris, Mithra M Moezzi, Christopher T Payne, and Jonathan G Koomey."Demand-Responsive and Efficient Building Systems as a Resource for Electricity Reliability."
Walker, Iain S, Max H Sherman, Jacob Wempen, Duo Wang, Jennifer A McWilliams, and Darryl J Dickerhoff."Development of a New Duct leakage Test: Delta Q."
Walker, Iain S, Craig P Wray, Darryl J Dickerhoff, and Max H Sherman."Evaluation of flow hood measurements for residential register flows."
Sherman, Max H, and Iain S Walker."Heat Recovery in Building Envelopes."Proceedings of the ASHRAE/DOE/BTECC Thermal Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Buildings VIII, Clearwater Beach, FL