Publications By Research Area
X Author: Jessica Granderson
Kramer, Hannah, Nora Hart, Alexandra Duncan, Joshua Kace, Haley Tong, and Jessica Granderson."Building Performance Software: Portfolio-Level Capabilities and Applications."
(2024). DOI
Casillas, Armando, Yimin Chen, Jessica Granderson, Guanjing Lin, Zhelun Chen, Jin Wen, and Sen Huang."Development of high-fidelity air handling unit fault models for FDD innovation: lessons learned and recommendations."Journal of Building Performance Simulation
17.5 (2024) 615-630. DOI
Crowe, Eliot, Yimin Chen, Hayden Reeve, David Yuill, Amir Ebrahimifakhar, Yuxuan Chen, Lucas Troup, Amanda Smith, and Jessica Granderson."Empirical Analysis of the Prevalence of HVAC Faults in Commercial Buildings."
(2023). DOI
Granderson, Jessica, Guanjing Lin, Yimin Chen, Armando Casillas, Jin Wen, Zhelun Chen, Piljae Im, Sen Huang, and Jiazhen Ling."A labeled dataset for building HVAC systems operating in faulted and fault-free states."Scientific Data
10 (2023). DOI
Kramer, Hannah, Nora Hart, Jessica Granderson, and Tom Abram."Framework for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Planning: Building Portfolios."
Granderson, Jessica, Samuel Fernandes, and Anand Prakash."Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Image Dataset of the Built Environment for 3D reconstruction (UAVID3D)."
(2023). DOI
Lin, Guanjing, Marco Pritoni, Yimin Chen, Raphael Vitti, Christopher Weyandt, and Jessica Granderson."Implementation and test of an automated control hunting fault correction algorithm."Energy & Buildings
Vol.283 No..112796 (2023). DOI
Lin, Guanjing, Armando Casillas, Maggie Sheng, and Jessica Granderson."Performance Evaluation of an Occupancy-Based HVAC Control System in an Office Building."Energies
16.20 (2023) 7088. DOI
Casillas, Armando, Guanjing Lin, Jessica Granderson, Sen Huang, and Yan Chen."Development of a Simulated Air Handling Unit Fault Dataset for FDD Tools: Lessons Learned and Considerations for FDD Developers."2022 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2022). DOI
Lin, Guanjing, Armando Casillas, Maggie Sheng, and Jessica Granderson."Evaluating the Performance of HVAC Optimal Control Based on Real-time Floor-by-Floor Occupancy Data."ACEEE
Pritoni, Marco, Guanjing Lin, Yimin Chen, John House, Eliot Crowe, and Jessica Granderson."Market Barriers and Drivers for the Next Generation Fault Detection and Diagnostic Tools."2022 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2022). DOI
Langner, Rois, Eliot Crowe, and Jessica Granderson."Quantifying the Value of Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings through Field Study."
Singh, Reshma, Samuel Fernandes, Anand Prakash, Paul A Mathew, Jessica Granderson, Colman Snaith, Rahul Pusapati, Prakash Jadhav, Avideh Zakhor, Rishi Upadhyay, Ozgur Gonen, and Harry Bergmann."Scaling Building Energy Audits through Machine Learning Methods on Novel Drone Image Data."2022 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2022). DOI
Crowe, Eliot, Yimin Chen, Jessica Granderson, Hayden Reeve, LucasTroup LucasTroup, David Yuill, and Yuxuan Chen."What We Learned From Analyzing 18 Million Rows of Commercial Buildings’ HVAC Fault Data."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Lin, Guanjing, Eliot Crowe, Valerie Nibler, and Jessica Granderson."Assessing EMIS Benefits: A new field evaluation protocol offers rigor and flexibility."The 7th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue
Lin, Guanjing, Hannah Kramer, Valerie Nibler, Eliot Crowe, and Jessica Granderson."Building Analytics Tool Deployment at Scale: Benefits, Costs, and Deployment Practices."Energies
Vol.15 (2022). DOI
Casillas, Armando, Yimin Chen, Guanjing Lin, Jessica Granderson, Sen Huang, and Zhelun Chen."Modeling Air Handling Units to Create a Diverse Fault Dataset for FDD Innovation: Lessons Learned and Recommendations."7th International High Performance Buildings Conference
(2022). DOI
Chen, Yimin, Guanjing Lin, Zhelun Chen, Jin Wen, and Jessica Granderson."A simulation-based evaluation of fan coil unit fault effects."Energy and Buildings
263 (2022). DOI
Pritoni, Marco, Guanjing Lin, Yimin Chen, Raphael Vitti, Christopher Weyandt, and Jessica Granderson."From fault-detection to automated fault correction: a field study."Building and Environment
214 (2022).
Zhang, Kun, David Blum, Hwakong Cheng, Gwelen Paliaga, Michael Wetter, and Jessica Granderson."Estimating ASHRAE Guideline 36 energy savings for multi-zone variable air volume systems using Spawn of EnergyPlus."Journal of Building Performance Simulation
15.2 (2022) 215 - 236. DOI
Chen, Yimin, Zhelun Chen, Guanjing Lin, Jin Wen, and Jessica Granderson."A simulation-based method to analyze fan coil unit fault impacts."2022 ASHRAE Summer Conference
Fernandes, Samuel, Eliot Crowe, Samir Touzani, and Jessica Granderson."Detecting the undetected: Dealing with non-routine events using advanced M&V meter-based savings approaches."
Chen, Yimin, Eliot Crowe, Guanjing Lin, and Jessica Granderson."Integration of FDD Data to Aid HVAC System Maintenance."The 9th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments (BuildSys 2022)
(2022). DOI