Publications By Research Area
X Author: Kun Zhang
Paul, Lazlo, Anand Prakash, Kun Zhang, Marco Pritoni, and Richard E Brown."SolarPlus Optimizer: Integrated Control of Solar, Batteries, and Flexible Loads for Small Commercial Buildings."2022 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Zhang, Kun, David Blum, Hwakong Cheng, Gwelen Paliaga, Michael Wetter, and Jessica Granderson."Estimating ASHRAE Guideline 36 energy savings for multi-zone variable air volume systems using Spawn of EnergyPlus."Journal of Building Performance Simulation
15.2 (2022) 215 - 236. DOI
Wetter, Michael, Paul Ehrlich, Antoine Gautier, Milica Grahovac, Philip Haves, Jianjun Hu, Anand Prakash, Dave Robin, and Kun Zhang."OpenBuildingControl: Digitizing the control delivery from building energy modeling to specification, implementation and formal verification."Energy
238 (2022) 121501. DOI
Wetter, Michael, Paul Ehrlich, Antoine Gautier, Milica Grahovac, Philip Haves, Jianjun Hu, and Kun Zhang."Open Building Control."
Zhang, Kun, David Blum, Milica Grahovac, Jianjun Hu, Jessica Granderson, and Michael Wetter."Development and Verification of Control Sequences for Single- Zone Variable Air Volume System Based on ASHRAE Guideline 36."American Modelica Conference 2020
(2020). DOI
Pritoni, Marco, Anand Prakash, David Blum, Kun Zhang, Rui Tang, and Jessica Granderson."Advanced control sequences and FDD technology. Just shiny objects, or ready for scale?."ACEEE Summer Study 2020
(2020). DOI
Alstone, Peter, Richard E Brown, Marco Pritoni, David Blum, Kun Zhang, and Anand Prakash."Resilient buildings for fire-adapted landscapes: EE and flexible loads integrated with solar and storage microgrids."ACEEE Summer Study 2020