Publications By Research Area
X Author: Lisa M Gartland
Akbari, Hashem, Lisa M Gartland, and Steven J Konopacki."Measured energy savings of light-colored roofs: results from three California demonstration sites."1998 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
3 (1998) 1-13.
Konopacki, Steven J, Lisa M Gartland, Hashem Akbari, and Leo I Rainer."Demonstration of energy savings of cool roofs."
(1998). DOI
Piette, Mary Ann, Lisa M Gartland, Satkartar T Khalsa, Peter Rumsey, Eng Lock Lee, Anthony Sebald, and Christine Shockman."Development and Testing of an Information Monitoring and Diagnostics System for Large Commercial Buildings."1998 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Parker, Danny S, Yu Joe Huang, Steven J Konopacki, Lisa M Gartland, John R Sherwin, and Lixing Gu."Measured and simulated performance of reflective roofing systems in residential buildings."ASHRAE Transactions
104 (1998).
Konopacki, Steven J, Hashem Akbari, Melvin Pomerantz, Sasa Gabersek, and Lisa M Gartland."Cooling energy savings potential of light-colored roofs for residential and commercial buildings in 11 US metropolitan areas."
(1997). DOI
Levinson, Ronnen M, Hashem Akbari, and Lisa M Gartland."Impact of the temperature dependency of fiberglass insulation R-value on cooling energy use in buildings."1996 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
10 (1996) 85-94.
Gartland, Lisa M, Steven J Konopacki, and Hashem Akbari."Modeling the effects of reflective roofing."1996 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
4 (1996) 117-125.