Publications By Research Area
X Author: Michael Wilde
Selkowitz, Stephen E, Liliana O Beltran, Werner K.E Osterhaus, Konstantinos M Papamichael, Jennifer E Schuman, Robert Sullivan, and Michael Wilde."Building Performance Analysis Using Interactive Multimedia Concepts."1992 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Sullivan, Robert, Michael Wilde, and Stephen E Selkowitz."An Interactive Microcomputer-Based Kiosk Providing Energy Efficient Building Design Information."4th National Conference on Microcomputer Applications in Energy
Schuman, Jennifer E, Robert Sullivan, Stephen E Selkowitz, Michael Wilde, and Michael D Kroelinger."A Daylight Design Tool Using a Hypercard on the Macintosh."3rd National Conference on Microcomputer Applications in Energy
Selkowitz, Stephen E, Konstantinos M Papamichael, and Michael Wilde."A Concept for an Advanced Computer-Based Building Envelope Design Tool."International Daylighting Conference Proceedings