Publications By Research Area
X Author: Paul F Linden
Bauman, Fred S, Thomas L Webster, Hui Jin, Wolfgang Lukaschek, Corinne Benedek, Edward A Arens, Paul F Linden, Anna Lui, Walter F Buhl, and Darryl J Dickerhoff."Energy Performance of Underfloor Air Distribution Systems."California Energy Commission, PIER Building End-Use Energy Efficiency Program
Bauman, Fred S, Thomas L Webster, Hui Jin, Wolfgang Lukaschek, Corinne Benedek, Edward A Arens, Paul F Linden, Anna Lui, Walter F Buhl, and Darryl J Dickerhoff."Energy Performance of Underfloor Air Distribution Systems."
da Graça, Guilherme Carrilho, Paul F Linden, and Martha Brook."Design of the Natural Ventilation System for the New San Diego Children's Museum."IBPSA Building Simulation 2005
Linden, Paul F."Flow in an Underfloor Plenum."SimBuild 2004, Building Sustainability and Performance Through Simulation
da Graça, Guilherme Carrilho, Paul F Linden, Erin McConahey, and Philip Haves."Design and testing of a control strategy for a large naturally ventilated office building."8th International IBPSA Conference
da Graça, Guilherme Carrilho, Paul F Linden, and Philip Haves."Design and Testing of a Control Strategy for a Large Naturally Ventilated Office Building."Building Services Engineering Research & Technology
25 (2004) 211-221.
da Graça, Guilherme Carrilho, Paul F Linden, and Philip Haves."Design and Testing of a Control Strategy for a Large Naturally Ventilated Office Building."Building Services Engineering Research & Technology
25.3 (2004) 223-239. DOI
Haves, Philip, Paul F Linden, and Guilherme Carrilho da Graça."Use of Simulation in the Design of a Large Naturally Ventilated Office Building."Building Services Engineering Research & Technology
25.3 (2004) 211-221. DOI
da Graça, Guilherme Carrilho, Paul F Linden, Erin McConahey, and Philip Haves."Design and Testing of a Control Strategy for a Large Naturally Ventilated Office Building."Building Simulation ’03
Haves, Philip, Guilherme Carrilho da Graça, and Paul F Linden."Use of Simulation in the Design of a Large Naturally Ventilated Commercial Office Building."Building Simulation ’03