Publications By Research Area
X Author: Prakash Rao
Rao, Prakash, Thomas P Hendrickson, Elizabeth Wachs, Shubhankar Upasani, and Alberta Carpenter."Testing a method for developing facility-level greenhouse gas emissions intensities of U.S. traded goods."
Karki, Unique, and Prakash Rao."Techno-economic analysis of the water, energy, and greenhouse gas emissions impacts from the adoption of water efficiency practices in the U.S. manufacturing sector."Resources, Conservation and Recycling
196 (2023) 107054. DOI
Das, Sujit, Heidi Fuchs, Ritu Philip, and Prakash Rao."A review of water valuation metrics: Supporting sustainable water use in manufacturing."Water Resources and Industry
29 (2023) 100199. DOI
Fitzgerald, Patrick, Peter L Therkelsen, Paul Sheaffer, and Prakash Rao."Deeper and persistent energy savings and carbon dioxide reductions achieved through ISO 50001 in the manufacturing sector."Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
57 (2023) 103280. DOI
Moudio, Marie Pelagie Elimbi, Richard Bolin, Alberta Carpenter, Samantha Bench Reese, Arman Shehabi, and Prakash Rao."Characterizing manufacturing sector disruptions with targeted mitigation strategiesAbstract."Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability
2.4 (2022) 042001. DOI
Rao, Prakash, Paul Sheaffer, Yuting Chen, Unique Karki, and Patrick Fitzgerald."U.S. Industrial and Commercial Motor System Market Assessment Report Volume 3: Energy Saving Opportunity."
(2022). DOI
Fuchs, Heidi, and Prakash Rao."Survey of Available Information on U.S. Manufacturing Wastewater and Energy Requirements for Reuse."
(2021). DOI
Newkirk, Alexander, Prakash Rao, and Paul Sheaffer."U.S. Industrial and Commercial Motor System Market Assessment Report Volume 2: Advanced Motors and Drives Supply Chain Review."
(2021). DOI
McCall, James, Prakash Rao, Susana Garcia Gonzalez, Sachin Nimbalkar, Sujit Das, Sarang Supekar, and Joe Cresko."U.S. Manufacturing Water Use Data and Estimates: Current State, Limitations, and Future Needs for Supporting Manufacturing Research and Development."ACS ES&T Water
(2021). DOI
Fuchs, Heidi, and Prakash Rao."Characterizing manufacturing wastewater in the United States for the purpose of analyzing energy requirements for reuse."Journal of Industrial Ecology
(2021). DOI
Booten, Chuck, Prakash Rao, Vi H Rapp, Roderick Jackson, and Ravi S Prasher."Theoretical Minimum Thermal Load in Buildings."Joule
5.1 (2021) 24 - 46. DOI
Rao, Prakash, Paul Sheaffer, Yuting Chen, Miriam L Goldberg, Benjamin Jones, Jeff Cropp, and Jordan Hester."U.S. Industrial and Commercial Motor System Market Assessment Report Volume 1: Characteristics of the Installed Base."
(2021). DOI
Rao, Prakash, Darren Sholes, and Joe Cresko."Evaluation of U.S. Manufacturing Subsectors at Risk of Physical Water Shortages."Environmental Science & Technology
(2019). DOI
Rao, Prakash, William R Morrow III, Arian Aghajanzadeh, Paul Sheaffer, Caroline Dollinger, Sabine Brueske, and Joe Cresko."Energy considerations associated with increased adoption of seawater desalination in the United States."Desalination
445 (2018) 213 - 224. DOI
Rao, Prakash, Robert Kostecki, Larry L Dale, and Ashok J Gadgil."Technology and Engineering of the Water-Energy Nexus."Annual Review of Environment and Resources
42.1 (2017) 407 - 437. DOI
McKane, Aimee T, Peter L Therkelsen, Anna Scodel, Prakash Rao, Arian Aghajanzadeh, Simon Hirzel, Ruiqin Zhang, Richard Prem, Alberto Fossa, Ana M Lazarevska, Marco Matteini, Bettina Schreck, Fabian Allard, Noé Villegal Alcántar, Karel Steyn, Ertaç Hürdoğan, Thomas Björkman, and John O'Sullivan."Predicting the quantifiable impacts of ISO 50001 on climate change mitigation."Energy Policy
107 (2017) 278 - 288. DOI
Aghajanzadeh, Arian, Aimee T McKane, Paul Sheaffer, Peter L Therkelsen, and Prakash Rao."AUTOMATED REGISTER V1.0.3: User Manual for Using the Automated Register of Implemented Actions."
Liu, Jingjing, Prakash Rao, Peter L Therkelsen, Paul Sheaffer, Paul Scheihing, and Yannick Tamm."ISO 50001 and SEP Faster and Cheaper - Exploring the Enterprise-Wide Approach."
Rao, Prakash, Arian Aghajanzadeh, Paul Sheaffer, William R Morrow III, Sabine Brueske, Caroline Dollinger, Kevin Price, Prateeti Sarker, Nicholas Ward, and Joe Cresko."Volume 1: Survey of Available Information in Support of the Energy-Water Bandwidth Study of Desalination Systems."
Aghajanzadeh, Arian, Peter L Therkelsen, Prakash Rao, and Aimee T McKane."Global Impact Estimation of ISO 50001 Energy Management System for Industrial and Service Sectors."
Therkelsen, Peter L, Prakash Rao, Arian Aghajanzadeh, and Aimee T McKane."The ISO 50001 Impact Estimator Tool (IET 50001 V1.1.4) - User Guide and Introduction to the ISO 50001 Impacts Methodology."
Rao, Prakash, Paul Sheaffer, Aimee T McKane, and Paul Scheihing."Assessing Energy Efficiency Opportunities in US Industrial and Commercial Building Motor Systems."Energy Efficiency in Motor Driven Systems, 2015
Therkelsen, Peter L, Prakash Rao, Aimee T McKane, Ridah Sabouni, Yannick Tamm, and Paul Scheihing."Development of an Enhanced Payback Function for the Superior Energy Performance Program."2015 American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry
Rao, Prakash, Aimee T McKane, and Andre de Fontaine."Energy Savings from Industrial Water Reductions."2015 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry
Rao, Prakash, Ali Hasanbeigi, and Aimee T McKane."A Framework to Survey the Energy Efficiency of Installed Motor Systems."2013 Energy Efficiency in Motor Driven Systems