Publications By Research Area
X Author: Ryan M Firestone
Beard, Daniel P, Grant Scherling, Perry Plumart, Barbara A Atkinson, Peter J Biermayer, Richard E Brown, Richard C Diamond, Camilla Dunham, Ryan M Firestone, Steve E Greenberg, Don Medley, Anthony Ma, Alan K Meier, Evan Mills, Bruce Nordman, Christopher T Payne, Mary Ann Piette, Francis M Rubinstein, Stephen E Selkowitz, Craig P Wray, Peng Xu, Mike Azarcon, Jim Calendar, Tom Costello, Eric Goodman, Greg Green, Charles Iliff, Brian Klein, Mike Laser, William Miller, Dan Murphy, Theon Parker, Dave Pilkins, Chris Potter, Louis Scalfari, Toby Virts, John Williams, Rick Wilmoth, and Beverly Wood."Green the Capitol Initiative, Final Report."
Zhou, Nan, Chris Marnay, Ryan M Firestone, Weijun Gao, and Masaru Nishida."An Analysis of the DER Adoption Climate in Japan Using Optimization Results for Prototype Buildings with U.S. Comparisons."Energy and Buildings Journal
Vol. 38.Issue 12 (2006) 10.
Zhou, Nan, Chris Marnay, Ryan M Firestone, Weijun Gao, and Masaru Nishida."An Optimization and Assessment on DG Adoption in Japanese Prototype Buildings."International Symposium on Sustainable Development of the Asian City Environment (SDACE) 2005
Curtil, Dimitri, Chris Marnay, Michael Stadler, Nan Zhou, Ryan M Firestone, and Judy Lai."Distributed Energy Enabling Technologies: Site Energy Simulation."
Zhou, Nan, Chris Marnay, Ryan M Firestone, Weijun Gao, and Masaru Nishida."Assessment of Distributed Generation Potential in Japanse Buildings."
(2005) 7.