Publications By Research Area
X Author: Sam M Berman
Berman, Sam M, Don L Jewett, Blaine R Benson, and T.M Law."Despite Different Wall Colors, Vertical Scotopic Illuminance Predicts Pupil Size."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
26.2 (1997).
Berman, Sam M, George Fein, Don L Jewett, Blaine R Benson, T.M Law, Alan M Myers, and Mark A Bullimore."Lighting Spectral Effect on Landolt C Performance is Enhanced by Blur and Abolished by Mydriasis."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
25.1 (1996) 42-50.
Berman, Sam M, George Fein, Don L Jewett, Blaine R Benson, T.M Law, and Alan M Myers."Luminance-Controlled Pupil Size Affects Word Reading Accuracy."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
25 (1995).
Berman, Sam M, Mark A Bullimore, Ian L Bailey, and Robert J Jacobs."The Influence of Spectral Composition on Discomfort Glare for Large Size Sources."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
25 (1995).
Berman, Sam M."Implications of Rod Sensitivity to Interior Lighting Practice."CIE Symposium on Advances in Photometry
Berman, Sam M, George Fein, Don L Jewett, Blaine R Benson, T.M Law, and Alan M Myers."Visual Performance and Light Spectrum: The Inadequacy of Conventional Photometry."CIE Symposium on Advances in Photometry
Berman, Sam M, Mark A Bullimore, Robert J Jacobs, Ian L Bailey, and Neeraj J Gandhi."An Objective Measure of Discomfort Glare."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
23 (1994) 40-49.
Clear, Robert D, and Sam M Berman."Environmental and Health Aspects of Lighting: Mercury."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
23 (1994) 138-156.
Berman, Sam M, George Fein, Don L Jewett, and F Ashford."Landolt C Recognition in Elderly Subjects is Affected by Scotopic Intensity of Surround Illuminants."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
23 (1993).
Berman, Sam M, George Fein, Don L Jewett, and F Ashford."Luminance Controlled Pupil Size Affects Landolt C Task Performance."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
22 (1993).
Richardson, Robert W, and Sam M Berman."Variational Theory of the Radiant Emittance of the Mercury Argon Discharge and the Effects of Isotopic Enrichment."Journal of Applied Physics
72.12 (1992) 5571-5578. DOI
Greenhouse, Daniel S, Ian L Bailey, Peter A Howarth, and Sam M Berman."Spatial adaptation to text on a video display terminal."Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics
12.3 (1992) 302-306.
Clear, Robert D, and Sam M Berman."Economics and Lighting Level Recommendations."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
22 (1992).
Bailey, Ian L, Robert D Clear, and Sam M Berman."Size as a Determinant of Reading Speed."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
22 (1992).
Berman, Sam M."Tuning Light Spectrum to Improve Energy Efficiency."International Association of Energy-Efficient Lighting
2 (1992).
Clear, Robert D, and Sam M Berman."Polarization and glare on VDUs and Other Tilted Specular Surfaces."Illuminating Engineering Society Annual Conference
21(1) (1991) 29-40.
Berman, Sam M."Energy Efficiency Consequences of Scotopic Sensitivity."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
21 (1991).
Raasch, Thomas W, Ian L Bailey, Peter A Howarth, Daniel S Greenhouse, and Sam M Berman."Visual Performance at Video Display Terminals--Effects of Screen Color and Illuminant Type."Journal of Optometry and Vision Science
68 (1991) 924-929.
Clear, Robert D, and Sam M Berman."The Effect of Instructions on Visual and Task Performance."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
20 (1990) 108-116.
Greenhouse, Daniel S, Ian L Bailey, Peter A Howarth, Sam M Berman, and Bernice E Rogowitz."Spatial Adaptation on Video Display Terminals."International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE)
1077 (1989) 27-34. DOI
Clear, Robert D, and Sam M Berman."Speed, Accuracy, and VL."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
19 (1989) 124-131.
Berman, Sam M, Don L Jewett, George Fein, Glenn Y Saika, and F Ashford."Photopic Luminance Does Not Always Predict Perceived Room Brightness."Lighting Research and Technology
22.1 (1988) 37-41. DOI
Clear, Robert D, and Sam M Berman."Estimation of Linear Interpolation Error."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
18 (1988) 32-39.
Berman, Sam M, Daniel S Greenhouse, Ian L Bailey, Robert D Clear, and Thomas W Raasch."Human Electroretinogram Responses to Video Displays."Journal of Optometry and Vision Science
68 (1988) 645-662.