Publications By Research Area
Hu, shan, Xin Zhou, Da Yan, Fei Guo, Tianzhen Hong, and Yi Jiang."A systematic review of building energy sufficiency towards energy and climate targets."Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
181 (2023) 113316. DOI
Hu, shan, Xin Zhou, Da Yan, Fei Guo, Tianzhen Hong, and Yi Jiang."A systematic review of building energy sufficiency towards energy and climate targets."Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
181 (2023) 113316. DOI
Hong, Tianzhen, and Yi Jiang."Outdoor synthetic temperature for the calculation of space heating load."Energy and Buildings
28.3 (1998) 269-277. DOI
Hong, Tianzhen, and Yi Jiang."A new multizone model for simulation of building thermal performance."Building and Environment
32.2 (1997) 123-128. DOI
Hong, Tianzhen, and Yi Jiang."IISABRE: An integrated building simulation environment."Building and Environment
32.3 (1997) 219-224. DOI
Hong, Tianzhen, and Yi Jiang."Prediction of building thermal performance under random conditions."TSINGHUA-HVAC-'95
Hong, Tianzhen, and Yi Jiang."Stochastic weather model for building HVAC systems."Building and Environment
30.4 (1995) 521-532. DOI
Jiang, Yi, and Tianzhen Hong."Stochastic analysis of building thermal processes."Building and Environment
28.4 (1993) 209-218. DOI
Jiang, Yi, and Tianzhen Hong."Stochastic analysis of overheating risk in buildings."CLIMA 2000