Publications By Research Area
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Koomey, Jonathan G, Mike Cramer, Mary Ann Piette, and Joseph H Eto."Efficiency Improvements in U.S. Office Equipment: Expected Policy Impacts and Uncertainties."
Özer, Nilgün, and Carl M Lampert."Electrochemical Lithium Insertion in Sol-gel Deposited LiNbO3 Films."Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
39.2-4 (1995) 367-375. DOI
Griffith, Brent T, Fredric A Beck, Dariush K Arasteh, and Daniel Turler."Issues Associated with the Use of Infrared Thermography for Experimental Testing of Insulated Systems."Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings VI Conference
Koomey, Jonathan G, Alan H Sanstad, and Leslie J Shown."Magnetic Fluorescent Ballasts: Market Data, Market Imperfections, and Policy Success."
Klems, Joseph H, Mehry Yazdanian, and Guy O Kelley."Measured Performance of Selective Glazings."Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings VI Conference
Sullivan, Robert, Michael D Rubin, and Stephen E Selkowitz."Reducing Residential Cooling Requirements Through the Use of Electrochromic Windows."Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings VI Conference Proceedings
Koomey, Jonathan G, Richard E Brown, R. R Cooper Richey, Francis X Johnson, Alan H Sanstad, and Leslie J Shown."Residential Sector End-use Forecasting with EPRI-REEPS 2.1: Summary Input Assumptions and Results."
Griffith, Brent T, Daniel Turler, and Dariush K Arasteh."Surface Temperatures of Insulated Glazing Units: Infrared Thermography Laboratory Measurements."ASHRAE Transactions
102.2 (1995).
Sezgen, Osman, and Jonathan G Koomey."Technology data characterizing refrigeration in commercial buildings: Application to end-use forecasting with COMMEND 4.0."
Griffith, Brent T, Dariush K Arasteh, and Daniel Turler."Gas Filled Panels: An Update on Applications in the Building Thermal Envelope."BETEC Fall Symposium, Superinsulations and the Building Envelope
Anders, André, and Simone Anders."Working Principle of the Hollow-Anode Plasma Source."Plasma Source Science and Technology
4.4 (1995) 571-575. DOI
Jennings, Judy D, Richard E Brown, Mithra M Moezzi, Evan Mills, and Robert Sardinsky."An Assessment of the U.S. Residential Lighting Market."
Salsbury, Tim I, Philip Haves, and Jonathan A Wright."A Fault Detection and Diagnosis Method Based on First Principles Models and Expert Rules."Tsinghua HVAC-95
Diamond, Richard C, and Helmut E Feustel."Air Flow Distribution in a Mechanically-Ventilated High-Rise Residential Building."16th AIVC Annual Conference, Palm Springs, USA
2 (1995) 369-378.
Haves, Philip, Simon J Rees, and L Harrington."Modelling and Simulation of Low Energy Cooling Systems."Tsinghua HVAC-95
Özer, Nilgün, and Carl M Lampert."Structural and Optical Properties of Sol-Gel Deposited Proton Conducting Ta2O5 Films."8th International Workshop on Glasses and Ceramics From Gels
Page, Erik, Chad Praul, and Michael J Siminovitch."A Comparative Candlepower Distribution Analysis for Compact Fluorescent Table Lamp Systems."1995 Illuminating Engineering Society of North America Annual Conference
26 (1995).
Rees, Simon J, and Philip Haves."A Model of a Displacement Ventilation/Chilled Ceiling Cooling System Suitable for Annual Energy Simulation."Building Simulation '95
Hitchcock, Robert J."Advancing Lighting and Daylighting Simulation: The Transition from Analysis to Design Aid Tools."International Building Performance Simulation Association Fourth International Conference
Crawford, Douglas G, Carl T Gould, Michael Packer, Francis M Rubinstein, and Michael J Siminovitch."An In-Situ Photometric and Energy Analysis of a Sulfur Lamp Lighting System."Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
Haves, Philip."Detailed Modelling and Simulation of a VAV Air-Conditioning System."Building Simulation '95
Hitchcock, Robert J."Improving Building Life-Cycle Information Management Through Documentation and Communication of Project Objectives."CIB W78 Workshop, Modeling of Buildings Through Their Life-Cycle
Rosenfeld, Arthur H, Hashem Akbari, Sarah E Bretz, Beth L Fishman, Dan M Kurn, David J Sailor, and Haider Taha."Mitigation of urban heat islands: materials, utility programs, updates."Energy and Buildings
22.3 (1995) 255-265. DOI
Clear, Robert D."Relationships between the VL and Reaction Time Models."IESNA Conference
25 (1995) 14-24.
Özer, Nilgün, Selmar DeSouza, and Carl M Lampert."Optical and Electrochemical Properties of Sol-gel Spin Coated CeO2-TiO2 Films."SPIE Meeting