Energy Analytics
We are delivering methods and tools to analyze measured building performance and provide actionable information.
Building Energy Epidemiology
A key barrier to wider deployment of energy efficiency is a lack of measured data on building energy performance. We develop methods and tools to make measured building energy performance data much more easily available and usable by decision-makers.
- The Building Performance Database contains anonymized whole building measured energy performance data on over 1 million commercial and residential buildings. Find out more at
- SEED provides a standard software platform for building energy benchmarking data management. Find out more at
- BEDES is a dictionary of terms and definitions designed to facilitate the sharing of building characteristics and energy data among data collection and analysis tools more easily, consistently, and at lower cost. Find out more at
- We are working with C40 cities to use building energy data to support city-level policies for meeting GHG reduction targets.
Energy Management & Information Systems (EMIS)
Advanced meter analytics, fault diagnostic, and optimization technologies enable owners and operators to improve building operational efficiency by 10-15% — without capital investment for major retrofits. As these energy management and information systems (EMIS) continuously evolve, LBNL researchers provide technical expertise to connect utilities, the owner/operator community, and technology vendors. Activities of focus include:
- Development of new technology and analytical approaches
- Identification and dissemination of best-practice implementation to maximize savings
- Assessment of technology costs, benefits, and attributable energy savings
- Documentation of technology capabilities and performance across a diverse market
- 2016-2020 Smart Energy Analytics Campaign (
Find more information at
Advanced Measurement and Verification (M&V 2.0)
The growing availability of smart meter energy data and the rapid expansion of energy analytics offerings presents tremendous promise to leverage automation to accurately measure project energy savings in near real-time. Advanced M&V can also capture changes to a building's hourly loadshape, of growing importance as regulators, utilities, and owners recognize the time-varying value of energy efficiency. LBNL is working to address several fundamental barriers to adoption of advanced M&V methods and tools including:
- Development of M&V software test protocols, to allow utilities and others to objectively compare tool accuracy
- Connecting with a cross-section of industry stakeholders to establish common language and guidance on advanced M&V requirements
- Technical assistance to design and implement advanced M&V pilots in partnership with utility industry partners
- Development of tools, resources, and guidance materials