Publications: BTUS Windows and Daylighting
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Queiroz, Natália, Luis L Fernandes, and Fernando OscarRutt Pereira."Comparison of Fast Daylighting Climate-Based Simulation Methods for Parametric Design: Two-Phase, Three-Phase Method and Path Tracing."Architectural Engineering and Design Management
(2023) 1 - 19. DOI
Lee, Sang Hoon, and Ronnen M Levinson."Cool envelope benefits in future typical weather and heatwave conditions for single-family homes in Los Angeles."
(2023). DOI
Hart, Robert, Stephen Fisher, and Stephen Morse."Guidelines for Determining the Load Resistance of Thin-Glass Triple-Pane Insulating Glass Unit Configurations."
(2023). DOI
Grant, Peter, and Christoph Gehbauer."Evaluating the Impacts of Weather Forecast Inaccuracy on Performance of Model Predictive Control for Dynamic Facades."2022 Building Performance Modeling Conference and SimBuild
Wang, Taoning, Gregory J Ward, and Eleanor S Lee."A Python Library for Radiance Matrix-based Simulation Control and EnergyPlus Integration."IBPSA Building Simulation 2021
Geisler-Moroder, David, Gregory J Ward, Taoning Wang, and Eleanor S Lee."Peak extraction in daylight simulations using BSDF data."IBPSA Building Simulation 2021
Thomson, Gregory D, Robert G Davis, Luis L Fernandes, and Taoning Wang."Achieving Integrated Daylighting and Electric Lighting Systems: Current State of the Art and Needed Research."Energies
14.13 (2021) 3833. DOI
ALTOMONTE, Sergio, Flávia BUKZEM, Rafael CAMPAMÀ PIZARRO, Donatienne CARMON, Giovanni CIAMPI, Ayana DANTAS DE MEDEIROS, Veronica GARCIA-HANSEN, David Geisler-Moroder, Niko GENTILE, Sascha HAMMES, Eleanor S Lee, Marshal MASKARENJ, Cláudia NAVESDAVI AMORIM, Julien NEMBRINI, Werner K.E Osterhaus, Kieu PHAM, Michelangelo SCORPIO, and Sergio SIBILIO."Integrating daylighting and lighting in practice: Lessons learned from international case studies."
(2021). DOI
Carbonnier, Kevin, Cathy Higgins, Katie Wilson, Michael Mutmansky, John Rossi, and Paul A Mathew."Blind to Blinds: Opening Our Eyes to Savings from New Automated Shading Systems."ACEEE Summer Study in Buildings 2020
(2020). DOI
Yoon, Nari, Leslie K Norford, Ali Malkawi, Holly Samuelson, and Mary Ann Piette."Dynamic metrics of natural ventilation cooling effectiveness for interactive modeling."Building and Environment
180.106994 (2020). DOI
Yoon, Nari, Mary Ann Piette, Jung Min Han, Wentao Wu, and Ali Malkawi."Optimization of Window Positions for Wind-Driven Natural Ventilation Performance."Energies
13.10 (2020) 2464. DOI
Gehbauer, Christoph, David Blum, Taoning Wang, and Eleanor S Lee."An assessment of the load modifying potential of model predictive controlled dynamic facades within the California context."Energy and Buildings
210 (2020) 109762. DOI
Lee, Eleanor S, Anothai Thanachareonkit, D. D Charlie Curcija, Gregory J Ward, Taoning Wang, David Geisler-Moroder, Christoph Gehbauer, John Breshears, Luis L Fernandes, Stephen E Selkowitz, Robert Hart, Christian Kohler, David Blum, Jinqing Peng, and Howdy Goudey."High-Performance Integrated Window and Façade Solutions for California."
Gehbauer, Christoph, David Blum, Taoning Wang, and Eleanor S Lee."Integrated Dynamic Facade Control with an Agent-based Architecture for Commercial Buildings."
Wu, Yujie, Taoning Wang, Eleanor S Lee, Jérôme H Kämpf, and Jean-Louis Scartezzini."Split-pane electrochromic window control based on an embedded photometric device with real-time daylighting computing."Building and Environment
161 (2019) 106229. DOI
Lee, Eleanor S."Innovative Glazing Materials."Handbook of Energy Efficiency in Buildings A Life Cycle Approach
Wang, Taoning, Gregory J Ward, and Eleanor S Lee."Efficient modeling of optically-complex, non-coplanar exterior shading: Validation of matrix algebraic methods."Energy and Buildings
174 (2018) 464 - 483. DOI
Hart, Robert."Numerical and experimental validation for the thermal transmittance of windows with cellular shades."Energy and Buildings
166 (2018) 358 - 371. DOI
Hart, Robert, Howdy Goudey, and D. D Charlie Curcija."Experimental validation for thermal transmittances of window shading systems with perimeter gaps."Journal of Building Performance Simulation
(2018) 1 - 13. DOI
Mathew, Paul A, Cynthia Regnier, Travis Walter, and Jordan Shackelford."ComEd – LBNL ‘Beyond Widgets’ Project Automated Shading Integrated with Lighting and HVAC Controls System Program Manual."
Lee, Eleanor S, Christoph Gehbauer, Anothai Thanachareonkit, Luis L Fernandes, and Taoning Wang."Dual-Zone Solar Control Indoor Shade: Demonstration at the Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, 1301 Clay Street, Oakland, California and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Advanced Windows Testbed, Berkeley, California."
Regnier, Cynthia, Paul A Mathew, Alastair Robinson, Peter Schwartz, Jordan Shackelford, and Travis Walter."Energy Cost Savings of Systems-Based Building Retrofits: A Study of Three Integrated Lighting Systems in Comparison with Component Based Retrofits."
Kohler, Christian, Yash Shukla, and Rajan Rawal."Calculating the Effect of External Shading on the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient of Windows."Building Simulation 2017
Lee, Eleanor S, Luis L Fernandes, Taoning Wang, Stephen E Selkowitz, Steven Mesh, Yetsuh Frank, and Richard Yancey."Demonstration of Energy Efficient Retrofits for Lighting and Daylighting in New York City Office Buildings."
McNeil, Andrew, Eleanor S Lee, and Jacob C Jonsson."Daylight performance of a microstructured prismatic window film in deep open plan offices."Building and Environment
113 (2017) 280–297. DOI