Publications By Research Area
X Term: BTUS Indoor Air Quality
Shackelford, Jordan, Spencer Dutton, Cynthia Regnier, Wanyu Chan, and Alastair Robinson."Modeled Retrofit Package Performance for Schools."
(2024). DOI
Shackelford, Jordan, Alastair Robinson, Cynthia Regnier, and Sang Lee."Getting Beyond Widgets: Performance of Efficient Indoor Air Quality System Retrofit Packages for Schools."
(2023). DOI
Walker, Iain S, Brennan Less, David Lorenzetti, Michael Sohn, and Nuria Casquero-Modrego."Compartmentalization and Ventilation System Impacts on Air and Contaminant Transport for a Multifamily Building."Buildings XV Conference
Delp, William W, Brennan Less, Haoran Zhao, Spencer Dutton, Wanyu Chan, and Brett Singer."Simulation-Based Analysis of Impacts of Reduced Envelope and Duct Air Leakage on Indoor Air Pollutant Concentrations in Occupied Manufactured Homes."
Zhao, Haoran, Wanyu Chan, William Delp, Hao Tang, Iain Walker, and Brett Singer."Factors Impacting Range Hood Use in California Houses and Low-Income Apartments."International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
17 (2020). DOI
Chen, Chien-Fei, Selin Yilmaz, Anna Pisello, Marilena De Simone, Amy Kim, Tianzhen Hong, Karol Bandurski, Mateus Bavaresco, Pei-ling Liu, and Yimin Zhu."The impacts of building characteristics, social psychological and cultural factors on indoor environment quality productivity belief."Building and Environment
185 (2020) 107189. DOI
Caubel, Julien J, Vi Rapp, Sharon Chen, and Ashok Gadgil."Practical design considerations for secondary air injection in wood-burning cookstoves: An experimental study."Development Engineering
5 (2020) 100049. DOI
Singh, Reshma, Baptiste Ravache, and Mary Piette."Energy Modeling in Urban Districts: Forecast of multi-sector Energy Use and GHG Emissions."
Less, Brennan, Spencer Dutton, Iain Walker, Max Sherman, and Jordan Clark."Energy savings with outdoor temperature-based smart ventilation control strategies in advanced California homes."Energy and Buildings
194 (2019) 317 - 327. DOI
Less, Brennan, Iain Walker, Jonathan Slack, Leo Rainer, and Ronnen Levinson."Sealed and Insulated Attic Hygrothermal Performance in New California Homes Using Vapor and Air Permeable Insulation—Field Study and Simulations."
Clark, Jordan D, Brennan Less, Spencer Dutton, Iain Walker, and Max Sherman."Efficacy of occupancy-based smart ventilation control strategies in energy-efficient homes in the United States."Building and Environment
156 (2019) 253 - 267. DOI
Less, Brennan, Spencer Dutton, Xiwang Li, Jordan Clark, Iain Walker, and Max Sherman."Smart Ventilation for Advance California Homes – Single Zone Technology Task."
Guyot, Gaelle, Max Sherman, and Iain Walker."Smart ventilation energy and indoor air quality performance in residential buildings: A review."Energy and Buildings
165 (2018) 416 - 430. DOI
Kim, Yang-Seon, Iain Walker, and William Delp."Development of a standard capture efficiency test method for residential kitchen ventilation."Science and Technology for the Built Environment
24 (2018) 176–187. DOI
Kim, Yang-Seon, Iain Walker, and William Delp."Development of a Standard Test Method for Reducing the Uncertainties in Measuring the Capture Efficiency of Range Hoods."
Walker, Iain S, Yang-Seon Kim, Brett Singer, and Wanyu Chan."Assessing Occupant and Outdoor Air Impacts on Indoor Air Quality in New California Homes."AIVC Conference
(2017). DOI
Rojas, Gabriel, Iain Walker, and Brett Singer."Comparing extracting and recirculating residential kitchen range hoods for the use in high energy efficient housing."AIVC Conference
(2017). DOI
Walker, Iain S, Gariel Rojas, Jordan Clark, and Max Sherman."Evaluating the Performance of Island Kitchen Range Hoods."AIVC Conference
(2017). DOI
Walker, Iain S, Max Sherman, Jordan Clark, and Gaelle Guyot."Residential Smart Ventilation: A Review."
Less, Brennan, and Iain Walker."Smart Ventilation Controls for Occupancy and Auxiliary Fan Use Across U.S. Climates."
Singer, Brett C, William Delp, Douglas Black, and Iain Walker."Measured performance of filtration and ventilation systems for fine and ultrafine particles and ozone in an unoccupied modern California house."Indoor Air
(2016). DOI
Chan, Wanyu R, Yang-Seon Kim, Brett Singer, Iain Walker, and Max Sherman."Healthy Efficient New Gas Homes (HENGH) Field Study Protocol."
Walker, Iain S, J Stratton, William Delp, and Max Sherman."Development of a Tracer Gas Capture Efficiency Test Method for Residential Kitchen Ventilation."