Energy Technologies Area Staff Honored in 2024 Director’s Awards

This year’s Director’s Awards at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (Berkeley Lab) recognized Energy Technologies Area (ETA) researchers, Marca Doeff, Gao Liu, Charlie Ćurčija, Howdy Goudey, Robert Hart, Brendon Milne Smith, Dev Millstein and Jennifer Stokes-Draut.
The Director’s Awards highlight Berkeley Lab employee achievements across a range of categories. A ceremony at the Lab on November 8 honored recipients’ accomplishments, leadership, collaboration, multi-disciplinary science, cross-divisional projects, and commitment to excellence in support of the Lab’s mission and strategic goals.
See more about the Director’s Awards and laureates here:
Doeff, a senior scientist and deputy division director of the Energy Storage and Distributed Resources Division, received a Lifetime Achievement Award. The award lauded Doeff, “a woman scientist, leader, and mentor, for outstanding contributions to the battery field, incredible service to the electrochemical society, and instrumental role in promoting IDEA [Inclusion Diversity Equity Accountability] during 35 years of dedicated service to the lab.”
Liu, a senior scientist and group leader of the Applied Energy Materials Group, received the 2024 Tech Transfer Award for his “groundbreaking research and outstanding records of inventions in multifunctional materials for energy storage technologies, exceptional mentorship of emerging researchers, and extensive collaborations with the global scientific communities and industry stakeholders.”
Ćurčija, Goudey, Hart, & Smith, ETA’s Thin Triple Window Team, received the 2024 Tech Transfer award for “shepherding thin triple windows from early stage concept to mass production at multiple US-based facilities.”
Millstein and Stokes-Draut, energy policy research scientists in the Energy Analysis and Environmental Impacts Division, were part of the Lithium at the Salton Sea Report Team that received a Societal Impact Award.
Their work represents an “outstanding example of applying Berkeley Lab expertise to advise on a pressing societal question.”