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Kramer, Hannah, Nora Hart, Alexandra Duncan, Joshua Kace, Haley Tong, and Jessica Granderson."Building Performance Software: Portfolio-Level Capabilities and Applications."
(2024). DOI
Ding, Chao, Jing Ke, Mark D Levine, and Nan Zhou."Potential of artificial intelligence in reducing energy and carbon emissions of commercial buildings at scale."Nature Communications
15 (2024). DOI
Robinson, Alastair, Samuel Fernandes, Tianzhen Hong, Sang Hoon Lee, Ronnen M Levinson, and Mary Ann Piette."Potential Urban Heat Island Countermeasures and Building Energy Efficiency Improvements in Los Angeles County."
Zanetti, Ettore, David Blum, Marco Pritoni, and Mary Ann Piette."Field Performance of Commercial Building Load Flexibility Using Model Predictive Control."8th International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue
(2024). DOI
Liu, Jingjing, Lili Yu, Rongxin Yin, Mary Ann Piette, Marco Pritoni, Armando Casillas, and Peter Schwartz."Factors Influencing Building Demand Flexibility."
(2023). DOI
Crowe, Eliot, Yimin Chen, Hayden Reeve, David Yuill, Amir Ebrahimifakhar, Yuxuan Chen, Lucas Troup, Amanda Smith, and Jessica Granderson."Empirical Analysis of the Prevalence of HVAC Faults in Commercial Buildings."
(2023). DOI
Wan, Shanshan, Mengnan Zhao, Yimin Chen, Shuyue Yang, Dongwei Qiu, and James Lo."A novel data-driven relationship inference approach for automatic data tagging in building heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems."Building and Environment
Vol. No..246 (2023). DOI
Shackelford, Jordan, Alastair Robinson, Cynthia Regnier, and Sang Hoon Lee."Getting Beyond Widgets: Performance of Efficient Indoor Air Quality System Retrofit Packages for Schools."
Granderson, Jessica, Guanjing Lin, Yimin Chen, Armando Casillas, Jin Wen, Zhelun Chen, Piljae Im, Sen Huang, and Jiazhen Ling."A labeled dataset for building HVAC systems operating in faulted and fault-free states."Scientific Data
10 (2023). DOI
Chen, Zhelun, Zheng O'Neill, Jin Wen, Ojas Pradhan, Tao Yang, Xing Lu, Guanjing Lin, Shohei Miyata, Seungjae Lee, Chou Shen, Roberto Chiosa, Marco Savino Piscitelli, Alfonso Capozzoli, Franz Hengel, Alexander Kuhrer, Marco Pritoni, Wei Liu, John Claub, Yimin Chen, and Terry Herr."A review of data-driven fault detection and diagnostics for building HVAC systems."Applied Energy
Vol.339 No..121030 (2023). DOI
Regnier, Cynthia, Luis L Fernandes, Kaiyu Sun, Pia Engel-Moss, Tom Abram, Luke McGuire, and Ruju Rathod."Integrated Whole-Building Zero Net Energy Retrofits for Small Commercial Offices."
Kramer, Hannah, Nora Hart, Jessica Granderson, and Tom Abram."Framework for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Planning: Building Portfolios."
Granderson, Jessica, Samuel Fernandes, and Anand Prakash."Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Image Dataset of the Built Environment for 3D reconstruction (UAVID3D)."
(2023). DOI
Lin, Guanjing, Marco Pritoni, Yimin Chen, Raphael Vitti, Christopher Weyandt, and Jessica Granderson."Implementation and test of an automated control hunting fault correction algorithm."Energy & Buildings
Vol.283 No..112796 (2023). DOI
Liu, Jingjing, Rongxin Yin, Lili Yu, Mary Ann Piette, Marco Pritoni, Armando Casillas, Jiarong Xie, Tianzhen Hong, Monica Neukomm, and Peter Schwartz."Defining and applying an electricity demand flexibility benchmarking metrics framework for grid-interactive efficient commercial buildings."Advances in Applied Energy
8 (2022) 100107. DOI
Mathew, Paul A, Jordan Shackelford, Cynthia Regnier, Sang Hoon Lee, and Travis Walter."Energy efficiency package for rooftop unit replacement: laboratory testing and validation of energy savings."Science and Technology for the Built Environment
(2022). DOI
Casquero-Modrego, Nuria, WR Chan, Brennan Less, and Iain S Walker."Getting to Scale for Decarbonizing Homes in the US: An Industry Survey."SBE22Delft - Innovations for the Urban Energy Transition: Preparing for the European Renovation Wave
(2022). DOI
Gautier, Antoine, Michael Wetter, and Matthias Sulzer."Resilient cooling through geothermal district energy system."Applied Energy
325 (2022) 119880. DOI
Chen, Yimin, Jin Wen, Ojas Pradhan, James Lo, and Teresa Wu."Using discrete Bayesian networks for diagnosing and isolating cross-level faults in HVAC systems."Applied Energy
327 (2022). DOI
Regnier, Cynthia, Paul A Mathew, Jordan Shackelford, Sang Hoon Lee, Alastair Robinson, and Travis Walter."Multi-technology building system retrofits for utility incentive programs: Savings, costs and baseline considerations."Energy and Buildings
(2022). DOI
Liu, Jingjing, Lili Yu, Rongxin Yin, Mary Ann Piette, Marco Pritoni, Armando Casillas, Monica Neukomm, and Amir Roth."Benchmarking Demand Flexibility in Commercial Buildings and Flattening the Duck – Addressing Baseline and Commissioning Challenges."2022 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2022). DOI
Prakash, Anand, Marco Pritoni, Margarita Kloss, Mary Ann Piette, Michel Kamel, and Dotty Hage."Cloud-Control of Legacy Building Automation System: A case study."2022 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2022). DOI
Casillas, Armando, Guanjing Lin, Jessica Granderson, Sen Huang, and Yan Chen."Development of a Simulated Air Handling Unit Fault Dataset for FDD Tools: Lessons Learned and Considerations for FDD Developers."2022 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2022). DOI
Lin, Guanjing, Armando Casillas, Maggie Sheng, and Jessica Granderson."Evaluating the Performance of HVAC Optimal Control Based on Real-time Floor-by-Floor Occupancy Data."ACEEE
Helmns, Dre, Armando Casillas, Anand Prakash, David Blum, Marco Pritoni, Spencer M Dutton, Jonathan Woolley, and Subhrajit Chakraborty."Heat Pumps with Phase Change Thermal Storage: Flexible, Efficient, and Electrification Friendly."2022 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2022). DOI