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Ward, Gregory J."Making Global Illumination User Friendly."6th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering (1995).
Özer, Nilgün, and Carl M Lampert."Sol-Gel Deposited Electrochromic Coatings."Am. Optical Society, Technical Digest 17 (1995) 344-347.
Anders, Simone, André Anders, Michael D Rubin, Zhien Wang, Sebastien Raoux, Fanping Kong, and Ian G Brown."Formation of Metal Oxides by Cathodic Arc Deposition."International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, April 24-28, 1995 (1995).
Simko, Tom M, Richard E Collins, Fredric A Beck, and Dariush K Arasteh."Edge Conduction in Vacuum Glazing."Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings VI Conference (1995).
Modera, Mark P, and Burke Treidler."Improved Modelling of HVAC System/Envelope Interactions in Residential Buildings."ASME International Solar Energy Conference, March 19-24, 1995 1 (1995) 245-252.
Jiang, Yi, and Tianzhen Hong."Integrated building design system."HV&AC, in Chinese (1995).
Hong, Tianzhen, and Yi Jiang."Stochastic weather model for building HVAC systems."Building and Environment 30.4 (1995) 521-532. DOI
Walker, Iain S, Tom W Forest, and David J Wilson."A Simple Calculation Method for Attic Ventilation Rates."Proceedings of the 16th AIVC Conference 1 (1995) 221-232.
Arasteh, Dariush K."Advances in Window Technology: 1973-1993."Advances in Solar Energy, An Annual Review of Research and Development (1995) 339-382.