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Prakash, Anand, Samir Touzani, Mariam Kiran, Shreya Agarwal, Marco Pritoni, and Jessica Granderson."Deep Reinforcement Learning in Buildings: Implicit Assumptions and their Impact."RLEM'20: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Reinforcement Learning for Energy Management in Buildings & Cities (2020). DOI


Piette, Mary Ann, Reshma Singh, and Anand Prakash."Evaluation of the Need for and Design of a City Energy Operations System."Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Urban Building Energy Sensing, Controls, Big Data Analysis, and Visualization - UrbSys'19 (2019). DOI
Hong, Tianzhen, Yujie Xu, Kaiyu Sun, Wanni Zhang, and Xuan Luo."Visualizing Urban Microclimate and Quantifying its Impact on Building Energy Use in San Francisco."the 1st ACM International WorkshopProceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Urban Building Energy Sensing, Controls, Big Data Analysis, and Visualization - UrbSys'19 (2019). DOI