Publications By Research Area
X Author: David A Jump
Granderson, Jessica, Mrinalini Sharma, Eliot Crowe, David A Jump, Samuel Fernandes, Samir Touzani, and Devan Johnson."Assessment of Model-Based Peak Electric Consumption Prediction for Commercial Buildings."Energy and Building
245 (2021). DOI
Touzani, Samir, Jessica Granderson, David A Jump, and Derrick Rebello."Evaluation of Methods to Assess the Uncertainty in Estimated Energy Savings."Energy and Buildings
193 (2019). DOI
Granderson, Jessica, Samir Touzani, Claudine Y Custodio, Michael D Sohn, David A Jump, and Samuel Fernandes."Accuracy of Automated Measurement and Verification (M&V) Techniques for Energy Savings in Commercial Buildings."Applied Energy
173 (2016) 296-308. DOI
Granderson, Jessica, Samir Touzani, Claudine Y Custodio, Michael D Sohn, Samuel Fernandes, and David A Jump."Assessment of Automated Measurement and Verification (M&V) Methods."
Touzani, Samir, Claudine Y Custodio, Michael D Sohn, Samuel Fernandes, Jessica Granderson, David A Jump, and Cody Taylor."M & V Shootout: Setting the Stage For Testing the Performance of New Energy Baseline."2015 International Energy Program Evaluation Conference
Granderson, Jessica, Phillip N Price, David A Jump, Nathan J Addy, and Michael D Sohn."Automated Measurement and Verification: Performance of Public Domain Whole-Building Electric Baseline Models."Applied Energy
144 (2015) 106-113. DOI
Haves, Philip, Craig P Wray, David A Jump, Daniel Veronica, and Christopher Farley."Development of Diagnostic and Measurement and Verification Tools for Commercial Buildings."
Granderson, Jessica, David A Jump, Phillip N Price, and Michael D Sohn."Performance Metrics and Objective Testing Methods for Energy Baseline Modeling Software."
Price, Phillip N, Jessica Granderson, Michael D Sohn, Nathan J Addy, and David A Jump."Commercial Building Energy Baseline Modeling Software: Performance Metrics and Method Testing with Open Source Models and Implications for Proprietary Software Testing."
Jump, David A, Phillip N Price, Jessica Granderson, and Michael D Sohn."Functional Testing Protocols for Commercial Building Efficiency Baseline Modeling Software."
Sherman, Max H, and David A Jump."Thermal Conservation in Buildings."CRC Handbook of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
(2001) 6.92-120.
Schiller, Steven R, David A Jump, Ellen M Franconi, Mark Stetz, and Andrea Geanacopoulos."M&V Guidelines: Measurement and Verification for Federal Energy Projects, Version 2.2."
Sherman, Max H, and David A Jump."Energy Conservation in Buildings."CRC Handbook of Conservation and Renewable Energy Systems
(1997) 269-304.
Jump, David A, Iain S Walker, and Mark P Modera."Field Measurements of Efficiency and Duct Retrofit Effectiveness in Residential Forced Air Distribution Systems."Proceedings of the 1996 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA
1 (1996) 147-156.