Publications By Research Area
X Author: George Fein
Berman, Sam M, George Fein, Don L Jewett, Blaine R Benson, T.M Law, Alan M Myers, and Mark A Bullimore."Lighting Spectral Effect on Landolt C Performance is Enhanced by Blur and Abolished by Mydriasis."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
25.1 (1996) 42-50.
Berman, Sam M, George Fein, Don L Jewett, Blaine R Benson, T.M Law, and Alan M Myers."Luminance-Controlled Pupil Size Affects Word Reading Accuracy."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
25 (1995).
Berman, Sam M, George Fein, Don L Jewett, Blaine R Benson, T.M Law, and Alan M Myers."Visual Performance and Light Spectrum: The Inadequacy of Conventional Photometry."CIE Symposium on Advances in Photometry
Berman, Sam M, George Fein, Don L Jewett, and F Ashford."Landolt C Recognition in Elderly Subjects is Affected by Scotopic Intensity of Surround Illuminants."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
23 (1993).
Berman, Sam M, George Fein, Don L Jewett, and F Ashford."Luminance Controlled Pupil Size Affects Landolt C Task Performance."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
22 (1993).
Berman, Sam M, Don L Jewett, George Fein, Glenn Y Saika, and F Ashford."Photopic Luminance Does Not Always Predict Perceived Room Brightness."Lighting Research and Technology
22.1 (1988) 37-41. DOI
Jewett, Don L, Sam M Berman, M.R Greenberg, George Fein, and Richard M Nahass."The Lack of Effects on Human Muscle Strength of Light Spectrum and Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation in Electric Lighting."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
Berman, Sam M, Don L Jewett, Larry R Bingham, Richard M Nahass, Franklin Perry, and George Fein."Pupillary Size Differences Under Incandescent and High Pressure Sodium Lamps."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
Winter (1987) 3-20.