Publications By Research Area
X Author: Maithili Iyer
Iyer, Maithili, Satish Kumar, Sangeeta Mathew, Hannah Stratton, Paul A Mathew, and Mohini Singh."Establishing a commercial building energy data framework for India: Approaches, use cases, and institutions."INSPIRE 2017
Iyer, Maithili, Satish Kumar, Sangeeta Mathew, Hannah Stratton, Paul A Mathew, and Mohini Singh."Establishing a Commercial Buildings Energy Data Framework for India: A Comprehensive Look at Data Collection Approaches, Use Cases and Institutions."
Mathew, Paul A, Sangeeta Mathew, Satish Kumar, Mohini Singh, Hannah Stratton, and Maithili Iyer."India Commercial Buildings Data Framework: A Summary of Potential Use Cases."
Iyer, Maithili, Hannah Stratton, Sangeeta Mathew, Satish Kumar, Paul A Mathew, and Mohini Singh."Review of Building Data Frameworks Across Countries: Lessons for India."
Harris, Jeffrey P, Richard C Diamond, Carl Blumstein, Chris Calwell, Maithili Iyer, Christopher T Payne, and Paul Siderius."Towards a Policy of Progressive Efficiency."People-Centered Initiatives for Increasing Energy Saving
Harris, Jeffrey P, Richard C Diamond, Maithili Iyer, Christopher T Payne, Carl Blumstein, and Paul Siderius."Towards a sustainable energy balance: progressive efficiency and the return of energy conservation."Energy Efficiency
1.3 (2008) 175-188. DOI
Iyer, Maithili, Willett Kempton, and Christopher T Payne."Comparison groups on bills: Automated, personalized energy information."Energy and Buildings
38.8 (2006) 988-996. DOI
Harris, Jeffrey P, Richard C Diamond, Maithili Iyer, Christopher T Payne, and Carl Blumstein."Don't Supersize Me! Toward a Policy of Consumption-Based Energy Efficiency."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2006) 7-100-7-114.
Deringer, Joseph J, Maithili Iyer, and Yu Joe Huang."Transferred Just on Paper? Why Doesn't the Reality of Transferring/Adapting Energy Efficiency Codes and Standards Come Close to the Potential?."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Iyer, Maithili, Willett Kempton, and Christopher T Payne."Comparison Groups as a Tool for Evaluating Energy Efficiency Programs: An Analysis of ENERGY STAR@ Billing Comparison Groups."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(1998) 8.179-8.192.
Lord, Deirdre, Willett Kempton, Sam Rashkin, Annette Wilson, Christine Egan, Anita Eide, Maithili Iyer, and Christopher T Payne."Energy Star Billing: Innovative Billing Options for the Residential Sector."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(1996) 2.137-2.143.