Publications By Research Area
X Author: Mary Ann Piette
Malik, Jeetika, Ronita Bardhan, Tianzhen Hong, and Mary Ann Piette."Contextualising adaptive comfort behaviour within low-income housing of Mumbai, India."Building and Environment
177 (2020) 106877. DOI
Yoon, Nari, Mary Ann Piette, Jung Min Han, Wentao Wu, and Ali Malkawi."Optimization of Window Positions for Wind-Driven Natural Ventilation Performance."Energies
13.10 (2020) 2464. DOI
Wang, Zhe, Tianzhen Hong, and Mary Ann Piette."Building thermal load prediction through shallow machine learning and deep learning."Applied Energy
263 (2020) 114683. DOI
Piette, Mary Ann, Richard C Diamond, Stephen E Selkowitz, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Tianzhen Hong, Kaiyu Sun, Paul A Mathew, Iain S Walker, Alan K Meier, Erik Page, Jessica Granderson, Nan Zhou, and Peter Alstone."Chapter 2: Global Opportunities and Challenges in Energy and Environmental Issues in the Buildings Sector."World Scientific Series in Current Energy Issues
(2020). DOI
Piette, Mary Ann, Reshma Singh, and Anand Prakash."Evaluation of the Need for and Design of a City Energy Operations System."Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Urban Building Energy Sensing, Controls, Big Data Analysis, and Visualization - UrbSys'19
(2019). DOI
Singh, Reshma, Mary Ann Piette, Ashok J Gadgil, Rajan Rawal, Narendra Bansal, Vishal Garg, Jyotirmay Mathur, Philip Haves, Paul A Mathew, Christian Kohler, Mahabir Bhandari, Gail Brager, Vivian Loftness, Narendran Nadarajah, Ronnen M Levinson, Richard E Brown, Andre Desjarlais, Milind Rane, Sanyogita Manu, Yash Shukla, and Mona Doctor-Pingel."R&D and Implementation Outcomes From The U.S.-India Bilateral Center For Building Energy Research And Development Program."
(2019). DOI
Singh, Reshma, Baptiste Ravache, and Mary Ann Piette."Energy Modeling in Urban Districts: Forecast of multi-sector Energy Use and GHG Emissions."
Wang, Zhe, Tianzhen Hong, Mary Ann Piette, and Marco Pritoni."Inferring occupant counts from Wi-Fi data in buildings through machine learning."Building and Environment
158 (2019) 281 - 294. DOI
Wang, Zhe, Tianzhen Hong, and Mary Ann Piette."Predicting plug loads with occupant count data through a deep learning approach."Energy
181 (2019) 29 - 42. DOI
Wang, Zhe, Tianzhen Hong, and Mary Ann Piette."Data fusion in predicting internal heat gains for office buildings through a deep learning approach."Applied Energy
240 (2019) 386 - 398. DOI
Blum, David, K Arendt, Lisa Rivalin, Mary Ann Piette, Michael Wetter, and C.T Veje."Practical factors of envelope model setup and their effects on the performance of model predictive control for building heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems."Applied Energy
236 (2019) 410 - 425. DOI
Granderson, Jessica, Guanjing Lin, David Blum, Janie Page, Michael Spears, and Mary Ann Piette."Integrating diagnostics and model-based optimization."Energy and Buildings
182 (2019) 187 - 195. DOI
Gallo, Giulia, Brian F Gerke, Jingjing Liu, Mary Ann Piette, Peter Schwartz, and Peter Alstone."Mobilizing the Anti-Duck Brigade: Technology and Market Pathways for Load-Shifting Demand Response in California."2018 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2018). DOI
Piette, Mary Ann, Rebecca Zarin Pass, Reshma Singh, and Tianzhen Hong."Review of City Energy and Emissions Analysis Needs, Methods & Tools."2018 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2018). DOI
Pass, Rebecca Zarin, Michael Wetter, and Mary Ann Piette."A thermodynamic analysis of a novel bidirectional district heating and cooling network."Energy
144 (2018) 20 - 30. DOI
Regnier, Cynthia, Kaiyu Sun, Tianzhen Hong, and Mary Ann Piette."Quantifying the benefits of a building retrofit using an integrated system approach: A case study."Energy and Buildings
159 (2018). DOI
Granderson, Jessica, Guanjing Lin, David Blum, Shankar Earni, Janie Page, and Mary Ann Piette."Optimizing Operational Efficiency: Integrating Energy Information Systems and Model-Based Diagnostics."
(2017). DOI
Alstone, Peter, Jennifer Potter, Mary Ann Piette, Peter Schwartz, Michael A Berger, Laurel N Dunn, Sarah Josephine Smith, Michael D Sohn, Arian Aghajanzadeh, Sofia Stensson, and Julia Szinai."Demand Response Potential for California SubLAPs and Local Capacity Planning Areas: An Addendum to the 2025 California Demand Response Potential Study - Phase 2."
Alstone, Peter, Jennifer Potter, Mary Ann Piette, Peter Schwartz, Michael A Berger, Laurel N Dunn, Sarah Josephine Smith, Michael D Sohn, Arian Aghajanzadeh, Sofia Stensson, Julia Szinai, Travis Walter, Lucy McKenzie, Luke Lavin, Brendan Schneiderman, Ana Mileva, Eric Cutter, Arne Olson, Josh L Bode, Adriana Ciccone, and Ankit Jain."2025 California Demand Response Potential Study - Charting California's Demand Response Future: Final Report on Phase 2 Results."
Pritoni, Marco, Mary Ann Piette, and Bruce Nordman."Accessing Wi-Fi Data for Occupancy Sensing."
(2017). DOI
Piette, Mary Ann, Tianzhen Hong, William J Fisk, Norman Bourassa, Wanyu R Chan, Yixing Chen, H.Y Iris Cheung, Toshifumi Hotchi, Margarita Kloss, Sang Hoon Lee, Phillip N Price, Oren Schetrit, Kaiyu Sun, Sarah C Taylor-Lange, and Rongpeng Zhang."Small and Medium Building Efficiency Toolkit and Community Demonstration Program."
(2017). DOI
Pang, Xiufeng, Mary Ann Piette, and Nan Zhou."Characterizing variations in variable air volume system controls."Energy and Buildings
135 (2017) 166 - 175. DOI
Chen, Yixing, Tianzhen Hong, and Mary Ann Piette."Automatic Generation and Simulation of Urban Building Energy Models Based on City Datasets for City-Scale Building Retrofit Analysis."
Luo, Xuan, Tianzhen Hong, Yixing Chen, and Mary Ann Piette."Electric Load Shape Benchmarking for Small- and Medium-Sized Commercial Buildings."
Pass, Rebecca Zarin, Michael Wetter, and Mary Ann Piette."A Tale of Three District Energy Systems: Metrics and Future Opportunities."2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings