Publications By Research Area
X Author: Paul A Mathew
Mathew, Paul A, Jordan Shackelford, Cynthia Regnier, Sang Hoon Lee, and Travis Walter."Energy efficiency package for rooftop unit replacement: laboratory testing and validation of energy savings."Science and Technology for the Built Environment
(2022). DOI
Regnier, Cynthia, Paul A Mathew, Jordan Shackelford, Sang Hoon Lee, Alastair Robinson, and Travis Walter."Multi-technology building system retrofits for utility incentive programs: Savings, costs and baseline considerations."Energy and Buildings
(2022). DOI
Singh, Reshma, Samuel Fernandes, Anand Prakash, Paul A Mathew, Jessica Granderson, Colman Snaith, Rahul Pusapati, Prakash Jadhav, Avideh Zakhor, Rishi Upadhyay, Ozgur Gonen, and Harry Bergmann."Scaling Building Energy Audits through Machine Learning Methods on Novel Drone Image Data."2022 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2022). DOI
Walter, Travis, and Paul A Mathew."City-level impacts of building tune-ups: Findings from Seattle’s building tune-ups program."Energy Policy
(2022). DOI
Regnier, Cynthia, Paul A Mathew, Leo Rainer, and Christopher CaraDonna."Systems Packages for Washington State Building Performance Standard Incentive Program: Phase 1 Analysis."
Mathew, Paul A, Lino Sanchez, Sang Hoon Lee, and Travis Walter."Assessing the Energy Resilience of Office Buildings: Development and Testing of a Simplified Metric for Real Estate Stakeholders."Building
Vol.11(3) No.96 (2021). DOI
Walter, Travis, and Paul A Mathew."GHG policy impacts for Seattle’s buildings: targets, timing, and scope."Buildings and Cities
(2021). DOI
Mathew, Paul A, Paulo Issler, and Nancy Wallace."Should commercial mortgage lenders care about energy efficiency? Lessons from a pilot study."Energy Policy
150 (2021). DOI
Walter, Travis, and Paul A Mathew."GHG policy impacts for Seattle’s buildings: targets, timing, and scope."Buildings and Cities
2 (2021). DOI
Mathew, Paul A, Alison Farmer, and Jacob Werner."Best Practices Guide: Benchmarking Energy Efficiency in Laboratories."
Mathew, Paul A, Cynthia Regnier, Jordan Shackelford, and Travis Walter."Energy Efficiency Package for Tenant Fit-Out:Laboratory Testing and Validation of Energy Savingsand Indoor Environmental Quality."Energies
(2020). DOI
Carbonnier, Kevin, Cathy Higgins, Katie Wilson, Michael Mutmansky, John Rossi, and Paul A Mathew."Blind to Blinds: Opening Our Eyes to Savings from New Automated Shading Systems."ACEEE Summer Study in Buildings 2020
(2020). DOI
Bergfeld, Katie, Paul A Mathew, Marshall Duer-Balkind, James Perakis, Pegah Noori khah, Travis Walter, and Andrew Held."Making Data-Driven Policy Decisions for the Nation’s First Building Energy Performance Standards."ACEEE Summer Study on Buildings 2020
(2020). DOI
Piette, Mary Ann, Richard C Diamond, Stephen E Selkowitz, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Tianzhen Hong, Kaiyu Sun, Paul A Mathew, Iain S Walker, Alan K Meier, Erik Page, Jessica Granderson, Nan Zhou, and Peter Alstone."Chapter 2: Global Opportunities and Challenges in Energy and Environmental Issues in the Buildings Sector."World Scientific Series in Current Energy Issues
(2020). DOI
Sanchez, Lino, Paul A Mathew, Sang Hoon Lee, and Travis Walter."Developing and Evaluating a Metric for Office Building Energy Resilience During a Power Outage."2020 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Shackelford, Jordan, Paul A Mathew, Cynthia Regnier, and Travis Walter."Laboratory Validation of Integrated Lighting Systems Retrofit Performance and Energy Savings."Energies
(2020). DOI
Mathew, Paul A, Cynthia Regnier, Jordan Shackelford, and Travis Walter."Leading in Los Angeles: Demonstrating scalable emerging energy efficient technologies for integrated façade, lighting, and plug loads INTER System FLEXLAB Test Report."
(2020). DOI
Mathew, Paul A, Philip Coleman, Cynthia Regnier, Jordan Shackelford, Duane Kubischta, Sarah Zaleski, and Blake Dressel."Package deals for deep savings: Scaling deep retrofits in commercial buildings with integrated systems packages."ACEEE
Regnier, Cynthia, Paul A Mathew, Alastair Robinson, and Jordan Shackelford."System Retrofits in Efficiency Programs: Track Record and Outlook."ACEEE Summer Study
Regnier, Cynthia, Paul A Mathew, Alastair Robinson, Jordan Shackelford, and Travis Walter."Systems Retrofit Trends in Commercial Buildings: Opening Up Opportunities for Deeper Savings."
Issler, Paulo, Paul A Mathew, and Nancy Wallace."The Pricing Risk of Energy Use Intensity for Office and Multifamily Mortgages."
(2020). DOI
Singh, Reshma, Paul A Mathew, Jessica Granderson, and Yash Shukla."Energy Information Systems: From the Basement to the Boardroom."
(2019). DOI
Singh, Reshma, Mary Ann Piette, Ashok J Gadgil, Rajan Rawal, Narendra Bansal, Vishal Garg, Jyotirmay Mathur, Philip Haves, Paul A Mathew, Christian Kohler, Mahabir Bhandari, Gail Brager, Vivian Loftness, Narendran Nadarajah, Ronnen M Levinson, Richard E Brown, Andre Desjarlais, Milind Rane, Sanyogita Manu, Yash Shukla, and Mona Doctor-Pingel."R&D and Implementation Outcomes From The U.S.-India Bilateral Center For Building Energy Research And Development Program."
(2019). DOI