Publications By Research Area
X Author: William W Delp
Zhao, Haoran, Iain S Walker, William W Delp, and Brett C Singer."Performance and usage of mechanical residential kitchen ventilation."ASHRAE Winter 2024
Delp, William W, Brennan Less, Haoran Zhao, Spencer M Dutton, Wanyu R Chan, and Brett C Singer."Simulation-Based Analysis of Impacts of Reduced Envelope and Duct Air Leakage on Indoor Air Pollutant Concentrations in Occupied Manufactured Homes."
Singer, Brett C, Wanyu R Chan, William W Delp, Iain S Walker, and Haoran Zhao."Effective Kitchen Ventilation for Healthy Zero Net Energy Homes with Natural Gas."
Zhao, Haoran, Wanyu R Chan, William W Delp, Hao Tang, Iain S Walker, and Brett C Singer."Factors Impacting Range Hood Use in California Houses and Low-Income Apartments."International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
17 (2020). DOI
Zhao, Haoran, Wanyu R Chan, Sebastian Cohn, William W Delp, Iain S Walker, and Brett C Singer."Dataset: Indoor air quality in new and renovated low‐income apartments with mechanical ventilation and natural gas cooking in California."
(2020). DOI
Chan, Wanyu R, Yang-Seon Kim, William W Delp, Iain S Walker, and Brett C Singer."Dataset: Indoor air quality in California homes with code-required mechanical ventilation."
(2020). DOI
Singer, Brett C, and William W Delp."Response of consumer and research grade indoor air quality monitors to residential sources of fine particles."Indoor Air
28.4 (2018) 624-639. DOI
Fischer, Marc L, Wanyu R Chan, William W Delp, Seongeun Jeong, Vi H Rapp, and Zhimin Zhu."An Estimate of Natural Gas Methane Emissions from California Homes."Environmental Science & Technology
(2018). DOI
Kim, Yang-Seon, Iain S Walker, and William W Delp."Development of a standard capture efficiency test method for residential kitchen ventilation."Science and Technology for the Built Environment
24 (2018) 176–187. DOI
Walker, Iain S, William W Delp, and Brett C Singer."Are low-cost sensors good enough for IAQ controls?."39th AIVC Conference
Singer, Brett C, Rebecca Zarin Pass, William W Delp, David M Lorenzetti, and Randy L Maddalena."Pollutant concentrations and emission rates from natural gas cooking burners without and with range hood exhaust in nine California homes."Building and Environment
122 (2017) 215 - 229. DOI
Kim, Yang-Seon, Iain S Walker, and William W Delp."Development of a Standard Test Method for Reducing the Uncertainties in Measuring the Capture Efficiency of Range Hoods."
Singer, Brett C, William W Delp, Douglas R Black, and Iain S Walker."Measured performance of filtration and ventilation systems for fine and ultrafine particles and ozone in an unoccupied modern California house."Indoor Air
(2016). DOI
Walker, Iain S, J Chris Stratton, William W Delp, and Max H Sherman."Development of a Tracer Gas Capture Efficiency Test Method for Residential Kitchen Ventilation."
Singer, Brett C, Brennan Less, William W Delp, Andrew D Brooks, Sebastian Cohn, and Brian Finn."A Field Study of Wall Furnace Venting and Coincident Exhaust Fan Usage in 16 Northern CA Apartments."
Lunden, Melissa M, William W Delp, and Brett C Singer."Capture Efficiency of Cooking- Related Fine and Ultrafine Particles by Residential Exhaust Hoods."Indoor Air
(2014). DOI
Noris, Federico, Gary Adamkiewicz, William W Delp, Toshifumi Hotchi, Marion L Russell, Brett C Singer, Michael Spears, Kimberly Vermeer, and William J Fisk."Indoor environmental quality benefits of apartment energy retrofits."Building Environment
68 (2013) 170–178. DOI
Noris, Federico, William W Delp, Kimberly Vermeer, Gary Adamkiewicz, Brett C Singer, and William J Fisk."Protocol for maximizing energy savings and indoor environmental quality improvements when retrofitting apartments."Energy and Buildings
61 (2013) 378-386. DOI
Ban-Weiss, George A, Craig P Wray, William W Delp, Peter Ly, Hashem Akbari, and Ronnen M Levinson."Electricity production and cooling energy savings from installation of a building-integrated photovoltaic roof on an office building."Energy and Buildings
56 (2013) 210 - 220. DOI
Delp, William W, and Brett C Singer."Performance Assessment of U.S. Residential Cooking Exhaust Hoods."Environmental Science & Technology
46.11 (2012) 6167-6173. DOI
Walker, Iain S, Mile Lubliner, Darryl J Dickerhoff, and William W Delp."Air Leakage of Furnaces and Air Handlers."2010 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings: The Climate for Efficiency is Now
Walker, Iain S, Darryl J Dickerhoff, and William W Delp."Residential Forced Air System Cabinet Leakage and Blower Performance."
Modera, Mark P, Olivier Brzozowski, François Rémi Carrié, Darryl J Dickerhoff, William W Delp, William J Fisk, Ronnen M Levinson, and Duo Wang."Sealing Ducts in Large Commercial Buildings with Aerosolized Sealant Particles."Energy & Buildings
34.7 (2001) 705-714. DOI
Levinson, Ronnen M, William W Delp, Darryl J Dickerhoff, and Mark P Modera."Effects of airflow infiltration on the thermal performance of internally insulated ducts."Energy and Buildings
32.3 (2000) 345-354. DOI