Publications By Research Area
X Author: Yimin Zhu
Chen, Chien-fei, Thomas Dietz, Nina H Fefferman, Jamie Greig, Kristen Cetin, Caitlin Robinson, Laura Arpan, Marcel Schweiker, Bing Dong, Wenbo Wu, Yue Li, Hongyu Zhou, Jianzhong Wu, Jin Wen, Joshua S Fu, Tianzhen Hong, Da Yan, Hannah Nelson, Yimin Zhu, Xueping Li, Le Xie, and Rachel Fu."Extreme events, energy security and equality through micro- and macro-levels: Concepts, challenges and methods."Energy Research & Social Science
85 (2022) 102401. DOI
Saeidi, Sanaz, Girish Rentala, Tracey Rizzuto, Tianzhen Hong, Neil Johannsen, and Yimin Zhu."Exploring thermal state in mixed immersive virtual environments."Journal of Building Engineering
44 (2021) 102918. DOI
Chen, Chien-Fei, Selin Yilmaz, Anna Laura Pisello, Marilena De Simone, Amy Kim, Tianzhen Hong, Karol Bandurski, Mateus Vinícius Bavaresco, Pei-ling Liu, and Yimin Zhu."The impacts of building characteristics, social psychological and cultural factors on indoor environment quality productivity belief."Building and Environment
185 (2020) 107189. DOI