Publications: Distributed Grid
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Granderson, Jessica, Phillip N Price, Stephen Czarnecki, Janie Page, Richard E Brown, and Mary Ann Piette."Development of Diagnostic and M&V Agents, and Implementation in an Occupied Office Environment."
Liao, Anna, Steven Lanzisera, James D Lutz, Christian Fitting, Margarita Kloss, and Christopher Stiles."Performance Monitoring of Residential Hot Water Distribution Systems."2014 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Weber, Adam Z, Steven Lanzisera, Anna Liao, and Alan K Meier."We Need to Talk… Developing Communicating Power Supplies to Monitor & Control Miscellaneous Electric Loads."2014 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Mendes, Gonçalo, Wei Feng, Michael Stadler, Jan Steinbach, Judy Lai, Nan Zhou, Chris Marnay, Yan Ding, Jing Zhao, Zhe Tian, and Neng Zhu."Regional Analysis of Building Distributed Energy Costs and CO2 Abatement: A U.S.–China comparison."Energy and Buildings
77 (2014) 112-129. DOI