Publications: India
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Zhou, Ella, Sika Gadzanku, Cabell Hodge, Mike Campton, Stephane de la Rue du Can, and Jingjing Zhang."Best Practices in Electricity Load Modeling and Forecasting for Long-Term Power System Planning."
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, Lynn K Price, Nan Zhou, and Amol A Phadke."China and India: Energy Service and Related Material Demand Projections."38th International Energy Workshop
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, Aditya Khandekar, Nikit Abhyankar, Nina Khanna, David Fridley, Nan Zhou, and Amol A Phadke."Modeling India’s energy future using a bottom-up approach."Applied Energy
238 (2019). DOI
Pang, Xiufeng, Carlos Duarte, Philip Haves, and Frank Chuang."Testing and demonstration of model predictive control applied to a radiant slab cooling system in a building test facility."Energy and Buildings
172 (2018) 432 - 441. DOI
Shah, Nihar, Nina Khanna, Nihan Karali, Won Young Park, Yi Qu, and Nan Zhou."Opportunities for Simultaneous Efficiency Improvement and Refrigerant Transition in Air Conditioning."
Iyer, Maithili, Hannah Stratton, Sangeeta Mathew, Satish Kumar, Paul A Mathew, and Mohini Singh."Review of Building Data Frameworks Across Countries: Lessons for India."
Singh, Reshma, Roozbeh Mahdavi, Paul A Mathew, Jessica Granderson, and Yash Shukla."Guidelines for Datacenter Energy Information System."
Salamanca, Francisco, Shaheen R Tonse, Surabi Menon, Vishal Garg, Krishna P Singh, Manish Naja, and Marc L Fischer."Top-of-atmosphere radiative cooling with white roofs: experimental verification and model-based evaluation."Environmental Research Letters
7.4 (2012). DOI