Publications: Industrial Energy Efficiency
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Lu, Hongyou, Tianqi Zhou, and Nan Zhou."Industrial Energy Intensity Benchmarking and Energy Transition in Inner Mongolia."
Singh, Reshma, Paul A Mathew, Jessica Granderson, and Yash Shukla."Energy Information Systems: From the Basement to the Boardroom."
(2019). DOI
Singh, Reshma, Mary Ann Piette, Ashok J Gadgil, Rajan Rawal, Narendra Bansal, Vishal Garg, Jyotirmay Mathur, Philip Haves, Paul A Mathew, Christian Kohler, Mahabir Bhandari, Gail Brager, Vivian Loftness, Narendran Nadarajah, Ronnen M Levinson, Richard E Brown, Andre Desjarlais, Milind Rane, Sanyogita Manu, Yash Shukla, and Mona Doctor-Pingel."R&D and Implementation Outcomes From The U.S.-India Bilateral Center For Building Energy Research And Development Program."
(2019). DOI
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, Aditya Khandekar, Nikit Abhyankar, Nina Khanna, David Fridley, Nan Zhou, and Amol A Phadke."Modeling India’s energy future using a bottom-up approach."Applied Energy
238 (2019). DOI
Singh, Reshma, Paul A Mathew, Jessica Granderson, Yash Shukla, Amiya Ranjan Behera, and Michael Pitt."Packaged Scalable Energy Information Systems for Hotels."Journal of Facilities Management
16.2 (2018) 119 - 141. DOI
Singh, Reshma, Baptiste Ravache, and Dale A Sartor."Building Innovation: A Guide For High-Performance Energy Efficient Buildings In India."
Kohler, Christian, Yash Shukla, and Rajan Rawal."Calculating the Effect of External Shading on the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient of Windows."Building Simulation 2017
Singh, Reshma, Paul A Mathew, Jessica Granderson, Rohini Srivastava, and Yash Shukla."Caring for the Energy Health of Healthcare Facilities U.S.– India Joint Center for Building Energy Research and Development (CBERD)."
Sarraf, Saket, Shilpi Anand, Yash Shukla, Paul A Mathew, and Reshma Singh."Building Energy Benchmarking in India: An Action Plan for Advancing the State-of-the-Art."
Singh, Reshma, Roozbeh Mahdavi, Paul A Mathew, Jessica Granderson, and Yash Shukla."Guidelines for Datacenter Energy Information System."
Ke, Jing, Lynn K Price, Michael A McNeil, Nina Khanna, and Nan Zhou."Analysis and Practices of Energy Benchmarking for Industry from the Perspective of Systems Engineering."Energy
54 (2013) 32-44. DOI
Ke, Jing, Michael A McNeil, Lynn K Price, Nina Khanna, and Nan Zhou."Estimation of CO2 Emissions from China’s Cement Production: Methodologies and Uncertainties."Energy Policy
57 (2013) 172-181.
Zhou, Nan, David Fridley, Michael A McNeil, Nina Khanna, Wei Feng, and Jing Ke."Quantifying the potential impact of energy efficiency and low carbon policies for China."the European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy’s 2013 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency
Zhou, Nan, David Fridley, Nina Khanna, Jing Ke, Michael A McNeil, and Mark D Levine."China's Energy and Emissions Outlook to 2050: Perspectives from Bottom-Up Energy End-Use Model."Energy Policy
53 (2013) 51-62. DOI
Fridley, David, Nina Zheng, Nan Zhou, Jing Ke, Ali Hasanbeigi, William R Morrow III, Lynn K Price, and Nina Khanna."China Energy and Emissions Path to 2030."
Ke, Jing, Nina Zheng, David Fridley, Lynn K Price, Nan Zhou, and Nina Khanna."Potential Energy Savings and CO2 Emissions Reduction of China’s Cement Industry."
Zhou, Nan, Lynn K Price, Stephanie Ohshita, Nina Zheng, Hu Min, and Nina Khanna."A Guidebook for Low-Carbon Development at the Local Level."
Zhou, Nan, Lynn K Price, Nina Zheng, Jing Ke, Ali Hasanbeigi, and Nina Khanna."National Level Co-Control Study of the Targets for Energy Intensity and Sulfur Dioxide in China."
Aden, Nathaniel T, David Fridley, Nina Zheng, and Nina Khanna."China’s Coal: Demand, Constraints, and Externalities."
(2009) 41.
Galitsky, Christina, Lynn K Price, Nan Zhou, Zhou Fuqiu, Xiong Huawen, Zeng Xuemin, and Wang Lan."Guidebook for Using the Tool BEST Cement: Benchmarking and Energy Savings Tool for the Cement Industry."
Price, Lynn K, Christina Galitsky, Klaas Jan Kramer, and Aimee T McKane."International Experience with Key Program Elements of Industrial Energy Efficiency or Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target-Setting Programs."
Price, Lynn K, and Wang Xuejun."Constraining Energy Consumption of China’s Largest Industrial Enterprises Through the Top-1000 Energy-Consuming Enterprise Program."