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Celniker, Chloe, Sharon S Chen, Alan K Meier, and Ronnen M Levinson."Targeting buildings for energy-saving cool-wall retrofits: a case study at the University of California, Davis."Energy and Buildings
249 (2021) 111014. DOI
Thomson, Gregory D, Robert G Davis, Luis L Fernandes, and Taoning Wang."Achieving Integrated Daylighting and Electric Lighting Systems: Current State of the Art and Needed Research."Energies
14.13 (2021) 3833. DOI
Gerber, Daniel L, Fariborz Musavi, Omkar Ghatpande, Stephen M Frank, Jason Poon, Richard E Brown, and Wei Feng."A Comprehensive Loss Model and Comparison of AC and DC Boost Converters."Energies
14.11 (2021) 3131. DOI
Butzbaugh, Joshua, Robert Hosbach, and Alan K Meier."Miscellaneous electric loads: Characterization and energy savings potential."Energy and Buildings
241 (2021) 110892. DOI
Shackelford, Jordan, and Alan K Meier."Laboratory Evaluation of Tunable White LEDs for Circadian Lighting in Commercial Offices."
Li, Haoran, Juan Hou, Tianzhen Hong, Yuemin Ding, and Natasa Nord."Energy, economic, and environmental analysis of integration of thermal energy storage into district heating systems using waste heat from data centres."Energy
219 (2021) 119582. DOI
Fierro, Gabe, Marco Pritoni, Moustafa Abdelbaky, Daniel Lengyel, John Leyden, Anand Prakash, Pranav Gupta, Paul Raftery, Therese Peffer, Greg Thomson, and David Culler."Mortar: An Open Testbed for Portable Building Analytics."ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
16.1 (2020) 1 - 31. DOI
Ueno, Tsuyoshi, and Alan K Meier."A method to generate heating and cooling schedules based on data from connected thermostats."Energy and Buildings
228 (2020) 110423. DOI
Chen, Bingqing, Jonathan Francis, Marco Pritoni, Soummya Kar, and Mario Bergés."COHORT: Coordination of Heterogeneous Thermostatically Controlled Loads for Demand Flexibility."BuildSys '20: The 7th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and TransportationProceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation
(2020). DOI
McIlvennie, Claire, Angela Sanguinetti, and Marco Pritoni."Of impacts, agents, and functions: An interdisciplinary meta-review of smart home energy management systems research."Energy Research & Social Science
68 (2020) 101555. DOI
Liu, Jingjing, Rongxin Yin, Marco Pritoni, Mary Ann Piette, and Monica Neukomm."Developing and Evaluating Metrics for Demand Flexibility in Buildings: Comparing Simulations and Field Data."ACEEE Summer Study
(2020). DOI
Clark, Callie, Anand Prakash, Marco Pritoni, Margarita Kloss, Pranav Gupta, Bruce Nordman, and Mary Ann Piette."Harvesting the low-hanging fruit of high energy savings -- Virtual Occupancy using Wi-Fi Data."ACEEE Summer Study
Yang, Bin, Xiaojing Li, Yingzhen Hou, Alan K Meier, Xiaogang Cheng, Joon-Ho Choi, Faming Wang, Huan Wang, Andreas Wagner, Da Yan, Angui Li, Thomas Olofsson, and Haibo Li."Non-invasive (non-contact) measurements of human thermal physiology signals and thermal comfort/discomfort poses -A review."Energy and Buildings
224 (2020) 110261. DOI
Prakash, Anand, Kun Zhang, Pranav Gupta, David Blum, Marc Marshall, Gabe Fierro, Peter Alstone, James Zoellic, Richard E Brown, and Marco Pritoni."Solar+ Optimizer: A Model Predictive Control Optimization Platform for Grid Responsive Building Microgrids."Energies
13.12 (2020) 3093. DOI
Brown, Richard E, Peter Schwartz, Bruce Nordman, Jordan Shackelford, Aditya Khandekar, Neal Jackson, Anand Prakash, Srijit Ghosh, and Erik Page."Developing Flexible, Networked Lighting Control Systems That Reliably Save Energy in California Buildings."
(2020). DOI
Méndez, Juana Isabel, Pedro Ponce, Omar Mata, Alan K Meier, Therese Peffer, Arturo Molina, and Marlene Aguilar."Empower saving energy into smart homes using a gamification structure by social products."2020 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE)2020 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE)
(2020). DOI
Santos, Arthur F.B, James Cale, Anushree Singh, Daniel L Gerber, Stephen Frank, Gerald P Duggan, Daniel Zimmerle, and Richard E Brown."Comparison of Load Models for Estimating Electrical Efficiency in DC Microgrids."2019 IEEE Third International Conference on DC Microgrids (ICDCM)
(2019). DOI
Meier, Alan K, Tsuyoshi Ueno, and Marco Pritoni."Using data from connected thermostats to track large power outages in the United States."Applied Energy
256 (2019) 113940. DOI
Piette, Mary Ann, Reshma Singh, and Anand Prakash."Evaluation of the Need for and Design of a City Energy Operations System."Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Urban Building Energy Sensing, Controls, Big Data Analysis, and Visualization - UrbSys'19
(2019). DOI
Taylor, Margaret, K Sydny Fujita, Jingjing Zhang, Mustapha Harb, James Tamerius, Michelle Jones, and Sarah K Price."Explaining jurisdictional compliance with California’s top-down streamlined solar permitting law (AB 2188)."
(2019). DOI
Gerber, Daniel L, Richard Liou, and Richard E Brown."Energy-saving opportunities of direct-DC loads in buildings."Applied Energy
248 (2019) 274 - 287. DOI
Gerber, Daniel L, Alan K Meier, Richard Liou, and Robert Hosbach."Emerging Zero-Standby Solutions for Miscellaneous Electric Loads and the Internet of Things."Electronics
8.5 (2019). DOI
Barr, Zach, Norman Bourassa, John Bowie, Richard E Brown, Nora DeCuir, H. H Jordan Diamond, Amy Dryden, Ethan Elkind, Harrison Fraker, Wenjie Fu, Ethan Guy, Daniel Hamilton, Ted Lamm, Maika Nicholson, Leo Rainer, Sandy Robertson, Christine Scott Thomson, Emma Tome, and Andréa Traber."Accelerating the Deployment of Advanced Energy Communities: The Oakland EcoBlock A Zero Net Energy, Low Water Use Retrofit Neighborhood Demonstration Project."