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Chan, Wanyu R, and Max H Sherman."Preliminary Analysis of U.S. Residential Air Leakage Database v.2011."2011 32nd AIVC Conference and 1st TightVent Conference: Towards Optimal Airtightness Performance
Logue, Jennifer M, Phillip N Price, Max H Sherman, and Brett C Singer."Why We Ventilate."2011 32nd AIVC Conference and 1st Tightvent Conference
Klug, Victoria L, Agnes B Lobscheid, and Brett C Singer."Cooking Appliance Use in California Homes – Data Collected from a Web-Based Survey."
Lobscheid, Agnes B, Neil E Klepeis, and Brett C Singer."Modeling Population Exposures to Pollutants Emitted From Natural Gas Cooking Burners."Proceedings of the The 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate
Mortensen, Dorthe Kragsig, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Optimization of Occupancy Based Demand Controlled Ventilation in Residences."International Journal of Ventilation
10.1 (2011) 49-60.
Sherman, Max H, Dorthe Kragsig Mortensen, and Iain S Walker."Derivation of Equivalent Continuous Dilution for Cyclic, Unsteady Driving Forces."International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
54.11-12 (2011) 2696-2702.
Logue, Jennifer M, Thomas E McKone, Max H Sherman, and Brett C Singer."Hazard Assessment of Chemical Air Contaminants Measured in Residences."Indoor Air
21.2 (2011) 92-109. DOI
Sherman, Max H, and Iain S Walker."Meeting Residential Ventilation Standards Through Dynamic Control of Ventilation Systems."Energy and Buildings
43.8 (2011) 1904-1912.
Bauman, Fred S, Thomas L Webster, David Lehrer, Edward A Arens, Hui Zhang, John Goins, Darryl J Dickerhoff, Stefano Schiavon, Sabine Hoffmann, Tiefeng Yu, David Fannon, Mark Perepelitza, and Krystyna Zelenay."Advanced Integrated Systems Tools Development and Performance Testing."Final report to California Energy Commission (CEC) Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program
Mills, Evan."Building Commissioning: A Golden Opportunity for Reducing Energy Costs and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the United States.."Energy Efficiency
(2011). DOI
Marini, Kyle, Girish Ghatikar, and Richard C Diamond."Using Dashboards to Improve Energy and Comfort in Federal Buildings."
Wray, Craig P, Max H Sherman, Damien Gondre, and Yun-Gyu Lee."Energy Performance Assessment of Ventilation Systems in Korean Apartments with Radiant Floor Heating: Final Report."
Bhangar, Seema, Nasim A Mullen, Susanne V Hering, Nathan M Kreisberg, and William W Nazaroff."Ultrafine particle concentrations and exposure in seven residences in northern California."Indoor Air
21 (2011) 132-144..
Logue, Jennifer M, Phillip N Price, Max H Sherman, and Brett C Singer."Assessment of Indoor Air Quality Benefits and Energy Costs of Mechanical Ventilation."Proceedings of the 2011 32nd AIVC Conference and 1st Tightvent Conference, Toward Optimal Airtightness Performance
Fisk, William J, Douglas R Black, and Gregory Brunner."Benefits and costs of improved IEQ in offices."Indoor Air
21.3 (2011) 357–367. DOI
Klug, Victoria L, Brett C Singer, Tod Bedrosian, and Chris D’Cruz."Characteristics of Range Hoods in California Homes — Data Collected from a Real Estate Web Site."
Maddalena, Randy L."Effect of Environmental Factors on Sulfur Gas Emissions from Problem Drywall."
Mortensen, Dorthe Kragsig, Iain S Walker, and Max H Sherman."Energy and air quality implications of passive stack ventilation in residential buildings."ACEEE 16th Biennial Summer Study
Sherman, Max H, Iain S Walker, and Jennifer M Logue."Equivalence in Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality."HVAC&R Research
Mills, Evan, and Arne Jacobson."From Carbon to Light: A New Framework for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reducitons from Replacing Fuel-Based Lighting with LED Systems.."Energy Efficiency
(2011). DOI
Singer, Brett C, Alexander D Sherman, Toshifumi Hotchi, and Douglas P Sullivan."Pollutant Removal Efficiency of Residential Cooking Exhaust Hoods."Proceedings of the The 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate
Diamond, Richard C."The California Statewide Strategic Plan for Energy Efficiency."The California Statewide Strategic Plan for Energy Efficiency
Sundell, Jan, Hal Levin, William W Nazaroff, William S Cain, William J Fisk, David T Grimsrud, Finn Gyntelberg, Yuguo Li, Andrew K Persily, Anthony C Pickering, Jonathan M Samet, John D Spengler, Steven T Taylor, and Charles J Weschler."Ventilation rates and health: multidisciplinary review of the scientific literature."Indoor Air
7 (2011) 1600-0668.