Evaluation of Commercial Lighting Programs: A DEEP Assessment

Publication Type

Conference Paper

Date Published




In this paper, we present key findings from a Database on Energy Efficiency Programs (DEEP) report on commercial lighting programs. In the DEEP report, which is the first in a series, we examine the measured performance of 20 utility-sponsored, demand-side management (DSM), lighting efficiency programs in the commercial and industrial (C/I) sectors. We assess the performance of the lighting programs based on four measures: the total resource costs of the programs, participation rates, energy savings per participant, and utility costs per participant. At an average cost of 3.9 ¢/kWh, these programs are judged to be cost-effective when compared to avoided costs in their areas. We critically examine participation rates, energy savings per participant, and utility costs per participant in order to understand precisely what aspects of program performance they measure. Finally, we summarize some of the primary difficulties in collecting DSM data in a consistent and comprehensive fashion, and offer some solutions to this challenging problem.


ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Year of Publication




Research Areas