Publications: BTUS Decision Science and Tools
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Levinson, Ronnen M, Mansour Alhazmi, Jackson Becce, Andre Desjarlais, Haley E Gilbert, Greg Kats, Jacob Miller, Emily Morin, David J Sailor, and Sarah Schneider."United States Cool Surfaces Deployment Plan."
(2023). DOI
Liu, Jingjing, Rongxin Yin, Lili Yu, Mary Ann Piette, Marco Pritoni, Armando Casillas, Jiarong Xie, Tianzhen Hong, Monica Neukomm, and Peter Schwartz."Defining and applying an electricity demand flexibility benchmarking metrics framework for grid-interactive efficient commercial buildings."Advances in Applied Energy
8 (2022) 100107. DOI
Gautier, Antoine, Michael Wetter, and Matthias Sulzer."Resilient cooling through geothermal district energy system."Applied Energy
325 (2022) 119880. DOI
Earni, Shankar, and Philip Coleman."Better bang for your buck? Comparing savings realization from ESPCs and direct-funded projects."ACEEE Summer Study 2022
(2022). DOI
Abdul-Khabir, Fatima, Billie Holecek, Christopher T Payne, and Gerald Robinson."The Policy Mullet: Good Intentions in Front, Bad Policy in Back."ACEEE Summer Study
(2022). DOI
Luo, Na, Marco Pritoni, and Tianzhen Hong."An overview of data tools for representing and managing building information and performance data."Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
147 (2021) 111224. DOI
Liu, Jingjing, and Norman Bourassa."Continuously Improving Energy and Water Management."ASHRAE Journal
(2020). DOI
Wang, Liyang, Molly Morabito, Christopher T Payne, and Gerald Robinson."Identifying institutional barriers and policy implications for sustainable energy technology adoption among large organizations in California."Energy Policy
146 (2020) 111768. DOI
Sanguinetti, Angela, Claire McIlvennie, Marco Pritoni, and Susan Schneider."Beyond Curtailment and Efficiency: Identifying Household Energy- and Water-Saving Measure Classes."ACEEE Summer Study
(2020). DOI
Chalasani, Sravan, Clayton Johnson, Molly Morabito, Alexander Newkirk, Liyang Wang, Ian M Hoffman, and Christopher T Payne."Messaging for Impact: Behavioral Science-Based Communication Strategies to Advance Energy Efficiency."ACEEE 2020 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2020). DOI
Gehbauer, Christoph, David Blum, Taoning Wang, and Eleanor S Lee."An assessment of the load modifying potential of model predictive controlled dynamic facades within the California context."Energy and Buildings
210 (2020) 109762. DOI
Morabito, Molly, Liyang Wang, Christopher T Payne, and Luis L Fernandes."National Mandates Won’t Save Us!: How to Design Energy Efficiency Policies that Address Institutional Barriers to Change."ACEEE Summer Study
(2020). DOI
Piette, Mary Ann, Reshma Singh, and Anand Prakash."Evaluation of the Need for and Design of a City Energy Operations System."Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Urban Building Energy Sensing, Controls, Big Data Analysis, and Visualization - UrbSys'19
(2019). DOI
Taylor, Margaret, K Sydny Fujita, Jingjing Zhang, Mustapha Harb, James Tamerius, Michelle Jones, and Sarah K Price."Explaining jurisdictional compliance with California’s top-down streamlined solar permitting law (AB 2188)."
(2019). DOI
Langevin, Jared, Chioke B Harris, and Janet L Reyna."Assessing the Potential to Reduce U.S. Building CO2 Emissions 80% by 2050."Joule
(2019). DOI
Singh, Reshma, Baptiste Ravache, and Mary Ann Piette."Energy Modeling in Urban Districts: Forecast of multi-sector Energy Use and GHG Emissions."
Wang, Zhe, Tianzhen Hong, Mary Ann Piette, and Marco Pritoni."Inferring occupant counts from Wi-Fi data in buildings through machine learning."Building and Environment
158 (2019) 281 - 294. DOI
Wang, Zhe, Thomas Parkinson, Peixian Li, Borong Lin, and Tianzhen Hong."The Squeaky wheel: Machine learning for anomaly detection in subjective thermal comfort votes."Building and Environment
151 (2019) 219 - 227. DOI
Sangogboye, Fisayo Caleb, Ruoxi Jia, Tianzhen Hong, Costas Spanos, and Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard."A Framework for Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing with Enhanced Utility for Cyber-Physical Systems."ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
14.3-4 (2018) 1 - 22. DOI
Wang, Wei, Jiayu Chen, and Tianzhen Hong."Occupancy prediction through machine learning and data fusion of environmental sensing and Wi-Fi sensing in buildings."Automation in Construction
94 (2018) 233 - 243. DOI
Siap, David, Christopher T Payne, and Alex Lekov."The United States Federal Energy Management Program lighting energy efficiency 2017 update and impacts."Applied Energy
233-234 (2018) 99 - 104. DOI
Liu, Jingjing, Arian Aghajanzadeh, Paul Sheaffer, Peter L Therkelsen, and Nathaniel Allen."Accelerating the Uptake of ISO 50001 in Commercial Buildings: Two Early Adopters Utilizing an “Enterprise-wide” Approach to Save Energy and Beyond."2018 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Wang, Liyang, and Christopher T Payne."Changing Institutional Procurement Behavior to Achieve Energy Savings."2018 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2018). DOI
Belafi, Zsofia, Tianzhen Hong, and Andras Reith."A critical review on questionnaire surveys in the field of energy-related occupant behaviour."Energy Efficiency
(2018) 1-21. DOI