Publications By Research Area
X Author: Cheng Li
Yan, Da, Tianzhen Hong, Cheng Li, Qi Zhang, Jingjing An, and shan Hu."A Thorough Assessment of China’s Standard for Energy Consumption of Buildings."Energy and Buildings
(2017). DOI
Hong, Tianzhen, Cheng Li, and Da Yan."Updates to the China Design Standard for Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings."Energy Policy
87 (2015) 187-198. DOI
Li, Cheng, Tianzhen Hong, and Da Yan."An Insight into Actual Energy Use and Its Drivers in High-Performance Buildings."
Li, Cheng, and Tianzhen Hong."Revisit of Energy Use and Technologies of High Performance Buildings."2014 ASHRAE Annual Conference
Hong, Tianzhen, Cheng Li, Richard C Diamond, Da Yan, Qi Zhang, Xin Zhou, Siyue Guo, Kaiyu Sun, and Jingyi Wang."Integrated Design for High Performance Buildings."