Publications By Research Area
X Author: Geoffrey C Bell
Granderson, Jessica, Mary Ann Piette, Ben Rosenblum, R. R Lily Hu, Daniel Harris, Paul A Mathew, Phillip N Price, Geoffrey C Bell, Srinivas Katipamula, and Michael Brambley."Energy Information Handbook: Applications for Energy-Efficient Building Operations."
Nelson, Dean, Brian Day, Geoffrey C Bell, Prajesh Bhattacharya, and Mike Ryan."“The Monitoring,” Panel: Chill-Off."Silicon Valley Leadership Group Data Center Energy Efficiency Summit
Bell, Geoffrey C, Bill Storey, and Michael K Patterson."Control of Computer Room Air Conditioning using IT Equipment Sensors."
Bell, Geoffrey C, and Clifford C Federspiel."Demonstration of Datacenter Automation Software and Hardware (DASH) at the California Franchise Tax Board."
Xu, Tengfang T, William F Tschudi, Geoffrey C Bell, Evan Mills, and Dale A Sartor."High-Tech Buildings - Market Transformation Project."
Bell, Geoffrey C, Dale A Sartor, and Evan Mills."The Berkeley Hood: Development and Commercialization of an Innovative High-Performance Laboratory Fume Hood. Progress Report and Research Status: 1995-2001."
Diamond, Richard C, Tim I Salsbury, Geoffrey C Bell, Yu Joe Huang, Osman Sezgen, Richard Mazzucchi, and Jeff Romberger."Phillip Burton Federal Building: EMCS Retrofit Analysis."