Publications By Research Area
X Author: Michael A McNeil
McNeil, Michael A, Wei Feng, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Nina Khanna, Jing Ke, and Nan Zhou."Energy efficiency outlook in China’s urban buildings sector through 2030."Energy Policy
97 (2016) 532 - 539. DOI
Khanna, Nina, Nan Zhou, David Fridley, and Michael A McNeil."Prospective Evaluation of the Energy and CO2 Emissions Impact of China’s 2010 – 2013 Efficiency Standards for Products."
Ke, Jing, Lynn K Price, Michael A McNeil, Nina Khanna, and Nan Zhou."Analysis and Practices of Energy Benchmarking for Industry from the Perspective of Systems Engineering."Energy
54 (2013) 32-44. DOI
Ke, Jing, Michael A McNeil, Lynn K Price, Nina Khanna, and Nan Zhou."Estimation of CO2 Emissions from China’s Cement Production: Methodologies and Uncertainties."Energy Policy
57 (2013) 172-181.
Zhou, Nan, David Fridley, Michael A McNeil, Nina Khanna, Wei Feng, and Jing Ke."Quantifying the potential impact of energy efficiency and low carbon policies for China."the European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy’s 2013 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency
Zhou, Nan, David Fridley, Nina Khanna, Jing Ke, Michael A McNeil, and Mark D Levine."China's Energy and Emissions Outlook to 2050: Perspectives from Bottom-Up Energy End-Use Model."Energy Policy
53 (2013) 51-62. DOI
Fridley, David, Michael A McNeil, Nina Zheng, Virginie E Letschert, Jing Ke, Yamina Saheb, and Nina Khanna."Analysis of Potential Energy Saving and CO2 Emission Reduction of Home Appliances and Commercial Equipments in China."Energy Policy
39.8 (2011) 4541-4550. DOI
Zhou, Nan, David Fridley, Michael A McNeil, Nina Zheng, Jing Ke, and Mark D Levine."Peak CO2? China’s Emissions Trajectories to 2050."
Price, Lynn K, Mark D Levine, Nan Zhou, David Fridley, Nathaniel T Aden, Hongyou Lu, Michael A McNeil, Nina Zheng, Yining Qin, Ping Yowargana, and Nina Khanna."Assessment of China’s Energy-Saving and Emission-Reduction Accomplishments and Opportunities During the 11th Five Year Plan."Energy Policy
39 (2011) 2165-2178.
Zhou, Nan, David Fridley, Michael A McNeil, Nina Zheng, Jing Ke, Mark D Levine, and Nina Khanna."China’s Energy and Carbon Emissions Outlook to 2050."
(2011) 83.
Zhou, Nan, Michael A McNeil, and Mark D Levine."Assessment of Building Energy-Saving Policies and Programs in China During the 11th Five Year Plan."
Zhou, Nan, Michael A McNeil, and Mark D Levine."Assessment of Building Energy-Saving Policies and Programs in China During the 11th Five Year Plan."
Zhou, Nan, David Fridley, Michael A McNeil, Nina Zheng, Virginie E Letschert, Jing Ke, and Nina Khanna."Analysis of Potential Energy Saving and CO2 Emission Reduction of Home Appliances and Commercial Equipments in China."
Zhou, Nan, Michael A McNeil, and Mark D Levine."Assessment of Building Energy-Saving Policies and Programs in China During the 11th Five Year Plan."The 2010 International Energy Program Evaluation Conference, Counting on Energy Programs
Zhou, Nan, David Fridley, Michael A McNeil, Nina Zheng, Virginie E Letschert, Jing Ke, and Nina Khanna."Analysis of Potential Energy Saving and CO2 Emission Reduction of Home Appliances and Commercial Equipments in China."The 2010 American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy's Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Levine, Mark D, Lynn K Price, Nan Zhou, David Fridley, Nathaniel T Aden, Hongyou Lu, Michael A McNeil, Nina Zheng, Yining Qin, Ping Yowargana, and Nina Khanna."Assessment of China’s Energy-Saving and Emission-Reduction Accomplishments and Opportunities During the 11th Five Year Plan."
39.4 (2010).
Zhou, Nan, Michael A McNeil, and Mark D Levine."Energy for 500 million Homes: Drivers and Outlook for Residential Energy Consumption in China."
Letschert, Virginie E, Michael A McNeil, and Nan Zhou."Residential Electricity Demand in China -- Can Efficiency Reverse the Growth?."
Zhou, Nan, and Michael A McNeil."Assessment of Historic Trend in Mobility and Energy Use in India Transportation Sector Using Bottom-up Approach."
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, Virginie E Letschert, Michael A McNeil, Nan Zhou, and Jayant A Sathaye."Residential and Transport Energy Use in India: Past Trend and Future Outlook."