Publications By Research Area
X Author: Paul Ehrlich
Grahovac, Milica, Paul Ehrlich, Jianjun Hu, and Michael Wetter."Model-based data center cooling controls comparative co-design."Science and Technology for the Built Environment
(2023). DOI
Wetter, Michael, Paul Ehrlich, Antoine Gautier, Milica Grahovac, Philip Haves, Jianjun Hu, Anand Prakash, Dave Robin, and Kun Zhang."OpenBuildingControl: Digitizing the control delivery from building energy modeling to specification, implementation and formal verification."Energy
238 (2022) 121501. DOI
Wetter, Michael, Jianjun Hu, Anand Prakash, Paul Ehrlich, Gabe Fierro, Milica Grahovac, Marco Pritoni, Lisa Rivalin, and Dave Robin."Modelica-json: Transforming energy models to digitize the control delivery process."IBPSA Building Simulation Conference 2021
Kim, Janghyun, Kim Trenbath, Jessica Granderson, Yimin Chen, Eliot Crowe, Hayden Reeve, Sarah Newman, and Paul Ehrlich."Research challenges and directions in HVAC fault prevalence."Science and Technology for the Built Environment
27 (2021). DOI
Wetter, Michael, Paul Ehrlich, Antoine Gautier, Milica Grahovac, Philip Haves, Jianjun Hu, and Kun Zhang."Open Building Control."
Granderson, Jessica, Guanjing Lin, Rupam Singla, Ebony Mayhorn, Paul Ehrlich, and Draguna Vrabie."Commercial Fault Detection and Diagnostics Tools: What They Offer, How They Differ, and What’s Still Needed."2018 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Fares, Robert, Marina Sofos, Jared Langevin, Robert Hosbach, Alan K Meier, Joshua Butzbaugh, and Paul Ehrlich."Improving Characterization of Miscellaneous Energy Loads in Energy Demand Models."2018 ACEEE Summer Study
Granderson, Jessica, Rupam Singla, Ebony Mayhorn, Paul Ehrlich, Draguna Vrabie, and Stephen Frank."Characterization and Survey of Automated Fault Detection and Diagnostics Tools."