Publications By Research Area
X Term: BTUS Modeling and Simulation
Xu, Yujie, Tianzhen Hong, Wanni Zhang, Zhaoyun Zeng, and Max Wei."Heat Vulnerability Index Development and Mapping."SimAUD 2021
Carnieletto, Laura, Martina Ferrando, Lorenzo Teso, Kaiyu Sun, Wanni Zhang, Francesco Causone, Piercarlo Romagnoni, Angelo Zarrella, and Tianzhen Hong."Italian prototype building models for urban scale building performance simulation."Building and Environment
192 (2021) 107590. DOI
Li, Haoran, Juan Hou, Tianzhen Hong, Yuemin Ding, and Natasa Nord."Energy, economic, and environmental analysis of integration of thermal energy storage into district heating systems using waste heat from data centres."Energy
219 (2021) 119582. DOI
Doughtry, Christine, Jianjun Hu, Patrick Dobson, Peter Nico, and Michael Wetter."Coupling subsurface and above-surface models for optimizing the design of borefields and district heating and cooling systems in the presence of varying water-table depth."46th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering
Li, Han, Zhe Wang, and Tianzhen Hong."Occupant-Centric key performance indicators to inform building design and operations."Journal of Building Performance Simulation
(2021) 1 - 29. DOI
Wetter, Michael, Paul Ehrlich, Antoine Gautier, Milica Grahovac, Philip Haves, Jianjun Hu, and Kun Zhang."Open Building Control."
Gui, Chenxi, Da Yan, Tianzhen Hong, Chan Xiao, Siyue Guo, and Yifan Tao."Vertical meteorological patterns and their impact on the energy demand of tall buildings."Energy and Buildings
232 (2021) 110624. DOI
Sulzer, Matthias, Sven Werner, Stefan Mennel, and Michael Wetter."Vocabulary for the fourth generation of district heating and cooling."Smart Energy
1 (2021) 100003. DOI
Helmns, Dre, David Blum, Spencer M Dutton, and Van P Carey."Development and Validation of a Latent Thermal Energy Storage Model Using Modelica."Energies
14.1 (2021) 194. DOI
Qian, Mingyang, Da Yan, Tianzhen Hong, and Hua Liu."Operation and performance of VRF systems: Mining a large-scale dataset."Energy and Buildings
230 (2021) 110519. DOI
Sun, Kaiyu, Na Luo, Xuan Luo, and Tianzhen Hong."Prototype energy models for data centers."Energy and Buildings
231 (2021) 110603. DOI
Langevin, Jared, Chioke B Harris, Aven Satre-Meloy, Handi Chandra Putra, Andrew Speake, Elaina Present, Rajendra Adhikari, Eric Wilson, and Andrew Satchwell."U.S. Building Energy Efficiency and Flexibility as an Electric Grid Resource."SSRN Electronic Journal
(2021). DOI
Ueno, Tsuyoshi, and Alan K Meier."A method to generate heating and cooling schedules based on data from connected thermostats."Energy and Buildings
228 (2020) 110423. DOI
Cho, Brian, Teresa Dayrit, Yuan Gao, Zhe Wang, Tianzhen Hong, Alex Sim, and Kesheng Kesheng."Effective Missing Value Imputation Methods for Building Monitoring Data."IEEE BigData 2020
(2020). DOI
Hong, Tianzhen, Daniel Macumber, Han Li, Katherine Fleming, and Zhe Wang."Generation and representation of synthetic smart meter data."Building Simulation
13.6 (2020) 1205 - 1220. DOI
An, Jingjing, Da Yan, Siyue Guo, Yan Gao, Jinqing Peng, and Tianzhen Hong."An improved method for direct incident solar radiation calculation from hourly solar insolation data in building energy simulation."Energy and Buildings
227 (2020) 110425. DOI
Luo, Xuan, Pouya Vahmani, Tianzhen Hong, and Andrew Jones."City-Scale Building Anthropogenic Heating during Heat Waves."Atmosphere
11.11 (2020) 1206. DOI
Langevin, Jared, Janet L Reyna, S Ebrahimigharehbaghi, N Sandberg, P Fennell, C Nägeli, J Laverge, M Delghust, É Mata, M Van Hove, J Webster, F Federico, M Jakob, and C Camarasa."Developing a common approach for classifying building stock energy models."Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
133 (2020) 110276. DOI
Fierro, Gabe, Anand Prakash, Cory Mosiman, Marco Pritoni, Paul Raftery, Michael Wetter, and David Culler."Interactive Metadata Integration with Brick."BuildSys '20: Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation
(2020). DOI
Hong, Tianzhen, Martina Ferrando, Xuan Luo, and Francesco Causone."Modeling and analysis of heat emissions from buildings to ambient air."Applied Energy
277 (2020) 115566. DOI
Bergmann, Harry, Cory Mosiman, Avijit Saha, Selam Haile, William Livingood, Steven Bushby, Gabe Fierro, Joel Bender, Michael Poplawski, Jessica Granderson, and Marco Pritoni."Semantic Interoperability to Enable Smart, Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings."2020 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2020). DOI
Fierro, Gabe, Anand Prakash, Cory Mosiman, Marco Pritoni, Paul Raftery, Michael Wetter, and David Culler."Shepherding Metadata Through the Building Lifecycle."BuildSys '20: Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation
(2020). DOI
Chen, Bingqing, Ming Jin, Zhe Wang, Tianzhen Hong, and Mario Bergés."Towards Off-policy Evaluation as a Prerequisite for Real-world Reinforcement Learning in Building Control."BuildSys '20: The 7th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and TransportationProceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Reinforcement Learning for Energy Management in Buildings & Cities
(2020). DOI
Ferrando, Martina, Francesco Causone, Tianzhen Hong, and Yixing Chen."Urban building energy modeling (UBEM) tools: A state-of-the-art review of bottom-up physics-based approaches."Sustainable Cities and Society
62 (2020) 102408. DOI
Wang, Zhe, and Tianzhen Hong."Generating realistic building electrical load profiles through the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)."Energy and Buildings
224 (2020) 110299. DOI