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Papamichael, Konstantinos M., and Frederick C. Winkelmann."Solar-Optical Properties of Multilayer Fenestration Systems."International Daylighting Conference Technical Proceedings (1986).
Vine, Edward L., Richard C. Diamond, and Richard F. Szydlowski."Domestic Hot Water Consumption in Four Low-Income Apartment Buildings."The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study (1986).
Wagner, Barbara S., and Richard C. Diamond."Keeping Warm: Analysis of Kansas City Warm Room Retrofit Project."American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study (1986).
Sherman, Max H., and Mark P. Modera."Low Frequency Measurement of the Leakage of Enclosures."Rev. Scientific Instruments 57.7 (1986) 1427.
Sherman, Max H., David J. Wilson, and Darwin Kiel."Variability in Residential Air Leakage."Measured Air Leakage Performance of Buildings, (Trechsel/Lagus Ed.) STP:904 (1986) 348-364.
Diamond, Richard C., Mark P. Modera, and Helmut E. Feustel."Ventilation and Occupant Behavior in Two Apartment Buildings."The 7th Air Infiltration Centre Conference on Occupant Interaction with Ventilation Systems (1986).