Publications By Research Area
X Author: Tengfang T Xu
Gao, Yafeng, Jiangmin Xu, Shichao Yang, Xiaomin Tang, Quan Zhou, Jing Ge, Tengfang T Xu, and Ronnen M Levinson."Cool Roofs in China: Policy Review, Building Simulations, and Proof-Of-Concept Experiments."Energy Policy
74 (2014) 190-214. DOI
Xu, Tengfang T, Chuang Wang, Tianzhen Hong, and Mark D Levine."Technical Assistance to Beichuan Reconstruction: Creating and Designing Low- to Zero-carbon Communities in New Beichuan."
Xu, Tengfang T, and Duo Wang."Demonstration of Advanced Filtration Technologies: Developing Energy-rebate Criteria through Performing Standard Laboratory Tests and Statistical Analyses."
Xu, Tengfang T, Jan Eudy, and Chuck Berndt."New Challenges in Contamination Control: The Leadership Role of IEST in Shaping Future Research and Practices."CleanRooms Magazine
(2007) 18-20.
Xu, Tengfang T."Standard Methods of Characterizing Performance of Fan Filter Units, Version 3.x."
Xu, Tengfang T."An Innovative Method for Dynamic Characterization of Fan Filter Unit Operation."Journal of the IEST
50 (2006).
Xu, Tengfang T."Development of a Fan-Filter Unit Test Standard, Laboratory Validations, and its Applications across Industries."CleanRooms Magazine
Wray, Craig P, Hashem Akbari, Ronnen M Levinson, and Tengfang T Xu."Inclusion of Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance Prescriptive Requirements for Residential Roofs in Title 24."
Akbari, Hashem, Craig P Wray, Ronnen M Levinson, and Tengfang T Xu."Inclusion of Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance Prescriptive Requirements for Steep-Sloped Nonresidential Roofs in Title 24."
Xu, Tengfang T."Investigating the Performance of a Minienvironment System."ESTECH 2005 Conference
Xu, Tengfang T."Best Practice for Energy Efficient Cleanrooms: Control of Chilled Water System."
Xu, Tengfang T."Best Practice for Energy Efficient Cleanrooms: Cooling tower and condenser water optimization."
Xu, Tengfang T."Best Practice for Energy Efficient Cleanrooms: Variable-speed-drive chiller."
Xu, Tengfang T."Opportunities for Sustainable Design and Operation of Clean Spaces: A Study on Minienvironment System Performance."
Xu, Tengfang T, and Ming-Shan Jeng."Laboratory Evaluation of Fan-Filter Units Aerodynamic and Energy Performance."Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
47.1 (2004) 5. DOI
Jeng, Ming-Shan, Tengfang T Xu, and Chao-Ho Lan."Towards Green Systems for Cleanrooms: Energy-Efficient Fan Filter Units."SEMI Technology Symposium: Innovations in Semiconductor Manufacturing
(2004) 73-77.
Xu, Tengfang T, and Mary Ann Piette."Baseline Information Development for Energy Smart Schools - Applied Research, Field Testing, and Technology Integration."
Xu, Tengfang T."Considerations for Efficient Airflow Design in Cleanrooms."Journal of the IEST
1 (2004) 24-28.